ALYTH - May 2023


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April

First expected hatch date around 22 May


  • Glad yours is back Wendy, just tried again mine is still stuck. Frowning2
  • Tuesday 16th May

    04.22 First changeover this morning

    Flora returns 04.45

    There have been many changes throughout the morning.

  • 13.15 Flora is lying low in the nest, she chips as she sees a bird approach but it’s Harry, with a live fish.

    Harry lands and starts intruder chipping 

    It’s very windy up there and somehow he ends up moving backwards resulting in Harry and the fish landing on Flora’s back.

    He corrects himself and goes to the edge of the nest to mantle and chip

    He’s just there for about a minute then leaves with the fish.

    The intruder wasn’t seen and Flora was soon calm again.

  • Harry never returned with that fish. He did MUCH better!

    15.19.40 Harry lands with a whopper of a headless fish (salmon?)

    Flora is very excited to receive it and grabs it with her beak

    I don’t know if it was the wind but Harry started rising again still holding the fish.

    Flira wasn’t going to be letting that one slip away and held tight, pulling the fish down.

    Harry flew off, Flora kept a hold of the fish in her beak

    and flew off too.

    Harry returned about half a minute later.

  • 17.23  Flora returns with the tail of the fish

    Harry is keen to have it.

    Not much left at all. What a feed Flora had!

    Just look at the size of her crop!  Happy days! 

  • No Rich Formatting again

    Lovely headless fish, trout I think brought into Flora this evening at 19.10.

    photos edited in

  • 19.59 Flora returned to Harry with the wee tail end of the fish, chased by a Corvid.

    Harry showed no interest so she took off again

    She arrived back at 20.07

    But again, Harry showed no interest. She took off for a 2nd time..

    Flora returned at 20.16

    Harry still remained seated. Flora started eating the tail

    Last piece being swallowed.

    She was soon back on the eggs. There’s a piece of brown crinkly plastic in the nest cup too now beside the black piece. Frowning2 (Over Flora’s beak)️

  • No RF  (photos edited in)

    11.42 Intruder alert, Flora lies low, Harry arrives in nest mantling and chipping.

    11.45 threat over

    11.46 Harry takes over incubation.

  • 18.15 Flora starts fish calling.  (photos edited in)

    18.16 Flora gets up to receive a fish

    Harry flies past the nest, pursued by a Corvid.

    Harry is seen to be holding a fish

    Flora is then dive bombed by the Corvid.

    18.58 Flora still calling.

  • 19.01 Harry arrives with the headless fish.  (photos edited in)