ALYTH - May 2023


Flora HK0 arrived 30 March 2023

Harry (unringed) arrived 4 April 2023

EGG No. 1 laid 15 April

EGG No. 2 laid 18 April

EGG No. 3 laid 21 April

First expected hatch date around 22 May


  • 16.14 Harry started intruder chipping. Something was above but unseen.

    He got up and flapped

    He settled on the nest again.

    Then started chipping a few minutes later.

    and soon was all quiet again.

    Flora returned at 16.53 carrying a few little sticks.

    Harry had been calling on Flora. He left soon after she arrived.

  • Flora was settled for a while then she spotted something and started mantling and alarm calling. 18.38

    She called on and off for a while. It may have turned into a call for Harry to relieve her as she left for a comfort break at 20.10

    Returning less than a minute later.

    Harry came soon after at 20.17 and took over incubation.

    20.40 Flora wasn’t away for too long and returned with a stick.

  • Sunday 14 May

    “Spider’s web and mist”

    05.01 After day cam came on, the mist is very thick.

    05.29 Flora left for a quick comfort break

    and she’s back.

    08.15 The mist is starting to clear and Flora is wondering where Harry is?

    08.24 and here he comes

    This is the first I’ve seen of Harry this morning.

    Flora quickly leaves and Harry takes over incubation.

  • 08.34 Flora was only gone 10 minutes

    Harry leaves Flora to it.

    A lot of preening to be done.

  • There have been a few nest changeovers. Flora currently sitting. The rain started a short while ago.

    Just thinking, next week at this time, there may be a wee pip starting although we’ll probably not be able to see it given the limited view we have of the eggs. Hopefully, we’ll see the little bob once it’s fully hatched in around 8 days or so. 

  • So I’ve been unable to post photos as my Rich Formatting is playing up. I’ve taken plenty of screenshots and fingers crossed, will post them tomorrow.
  • This is so frustrating, my rich formatting worked earlier in the afternoon on another page but when I first tried here at 4pm, it was broken again. Weary

    I’ll just have to write updates and post pictures when I can.
  • So going back to yesterday, the highlight was Flora getting a really big fish in the afternoon, the largest I’ve seen Harry catch so far!

    14.50 Harry gave Flora the fish and took over incubation. (Photos edited in)

    16.06 Later, Harry lifted his wings as a warning and flew off the nest.

    16.08 Flora must’ve been eating nearby and moments later she returned to the empty nest with the remainder of the fish. She was harassed by a Corvid who chased her right to the nest. Their wings clipped. After landing, Flora left the fish on the nest to incubate.

    Flora had a couple of nibbles of the fish then left it.

    16.31 Harry later came and took it away.

    17.52 A wee while after that, Harry came back to the nest with the straggly end of the fish and started intruder calling. He flew up to chase off the intruder.

    The intruder was seen in the background and once above the nest but only the tips of its talons. 

    An Osprey flew under the nest and I got snaps of that, it may have been the intruder as I couldn’t see a straggly piece of fish dangling!

    17.59 Harry returned to the nest with his fish and things quietened down. Harry left with his fish and he’d fully eaten it the next time he returned. (19.39)

    Flora left the nest for a wee break. She got chased by corvids.

    Flora quickly returned to the nest.

  • Monday15 May

    Events so far-

    04.55 Flora stands on Harry’s back to get him off the eggs (photos edited in)

    13.15 Cam started to zoom in and has stayed at close range. We’ve lost the background view. (1st hatch not due yet for another week)


    and after. We can’t see the Corvid tree and it’ll be even more difficult to see intruders unless they land on the nest.

    14.24 Harry brings Flora a fish

    15.48 Flora returns to the nest with a new piece of plastic, like a flattened tubing.

    “An Osprey in our modern world.”  Flora just sees the plastic as nesting material.

    19.30 Flora brings in a stubby stick

    She ends up in a funny balancing position with the stick. She’s doing her pirate impression of Long John Silver! 

  • Glider said:
    This is so frustrating, my rich formatting worked earlier in the afternoon on another page but when I first tried here at 4pm, it was broken again.

    I’ll just have to write updates and post pictures when I can.

    Mine has only just come back!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr