LLYN BRENIG - May 2023


LJ2 returned 31 March 2023

LM6 returned 4 April 2023

Egg No. 1 laid 20 April 

Egg No. 2 laid 23 April

Egg No. 3 laid 26 April

First hatch date due around 27 May

Link to March/April 2023

  • Morning Gilder and ALL.

    Thank you Glider for all the wonderful captures. What a fantastic coverage you are providing of this nest.
  • Thursday 4th May

    Good morning Smiley Sounded like quite a windy night last night. LM6 had her very quick (20 seconds) comfort break at 03.36. She seemed to be awake for most of the night, certainly from the back of 02.00.

    LJ2 joined LM6 at 05.03 to take over incubation.

    LM6 wanted straight back on the eggs though, returning at 05.11.

    LJ2 didn’t want to leave so LM6 flew off again and returned at 05.46. She placed the thinnest of sticks on LJ2’s back to encourage him to get up.

    They swapped places.

  • 06.51 LJ2 came back to the nest.

    LM6 wasn’t for moving but LJ2 stayed with her and she eventually left at 06.57.

    But was back on the eggs by 07.17.

    08.03 LJ2 returned. He touched LM6’s back with his talons at one point.

    LM6 left and LJ2 took over incubation.

    It was a short incubation with LM6 returning at 08.12. She crouched down low and edged LJ2 off the eggs.

  • It’s going to be one of those days. Both birds want to hunker down on the eggs on this blustery day.

    LJ2 flew off and found a tube of bark.

    It got placed on LM6’s back.

    Then at her side

    Then LJ2 stood on her back

    All this didn’t work so he flew off and returned with another piece of bark.

    Landing close to LM6

    Then trying to move the bark

    I’m surprised it stayed on the nest with the strong wind. It got left at the nest edge.

    Tactics not working and LM6 laying low, LJ2 flew off again.

  • have to have a laugh Glider     Smile

  • Karen W said:
    Morning Gilder and ALL.

    Thank you Glider for all the wonderful captures. What a fantastic coverage you are providing of this nest.

    Thank you Karen, my pleasure. Hugging

  • Unknown said:

    have to have a laugh Glider     

    You are absolutely right Cirrus!! Joy

  • The birds’ pace of swapping over slowed down as the day went on. LM6 had the bulk of long periods on the eggs and LJ2 offered support.

    16.00 LM6 had a wee preen on the nest with a couple of her soft white feathers landing there. 

  • I missed this episode at 14.41. LJ2 pole vaults onto the nest.

    He starts placing sticks in the most awkward way for LM6.

    At one point it looked like he was incubating both LM6 and the eggs!

    LJ2’s rear end is all over LM6. She tries to move her head to the side.

    LM6 showed so much patience sitting there.

    She was wearing a feather boa at one point!

    She breaks through the feathers.

    Eventually, LJ2 lifted his wings and glided away! 

  • 18.07 LM6 starts fish calling

    LJ2 flies in with a headless perch.

    LM6 has the fish in her talons but she is hesitant. She makes a couple of contact calls and looks over to the trees. She continues looking and waits a few seconds more before leaving, moving to the other side of the nest.

    She flies down over the water and round to the right behind the trees.

    LJ2 watches

    As LM6 flies towards the tree poles far right, a Corvid flies upwards. LJ2 reacts instinctively and sets chase after the Corvid to protect his mate, leaving the eggs unattended.

    In the distance you can see Osprey chasing corvids from right to left and back.

    A few moments later, an Osprey can be seen flying towards the nest.

    It’s LM6, she’s returned with her fish.