LOCH GARTEN - May 2023

Link to March/April 2023


After a start/stoppy kinda season, we now have settled couple "URM" (until LG give him a name) and Asha, or Mistle as some would prefer.

Asha is the proud parent of 2 eggs, the father of which being dubious but probably URM, as we hardly saw NN2 (for whom we wish all the best elsewhere) be accepted by Asha.

URM and Asha are similarly marked but distinguishable by certain differences which I may slot in here but I've lost them for the time being.

Asha (R) is looking rather small in this snap because she's crestfallen due to no supper:

Because Asha did so much work on the nest before she had a partner, there hasn't been a lot for URM to do - but he has quite frequently brought in nest material - and his fish provisions have been regular and willingly handed over.  He's a promising Osprey dad so far.

  • A charming video , thank you Scylla. Asha definitely understood Brodie needed a break 

  • At 10:15 Asha flew in with a small stick and relieved Brodie, who just stood on the nest with his back to her, gazing out over the territory... Asha screeched nonstop until he flew 5 minutes later.

  • 12.44 Asha went away for a comfort break or maybe a stick as she came back with one. Cot rail time

  • Asha spent a lot of time early in the morning paying attention to the eggs, so I believe she is feeling/hearing something imminent! Brodie brought in a lunch FISH around 13.20. Not a great view, but all I could manage…

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Well caught CC. My new laptop uses a new version of the Snip app, which takes forever to 'snip an pic' and it's so easy to lose the moment!
    15.01.25 Asha was calling, and then took off
    15.02.18 Brodie arrived to take on incubation
    15.23.26 Asha returned, preened on the rim, and reminded Brodie she wants fish!
    15.23.24 Brodie wasn't for moving, so Asha flew off again
    15.51.14 Brodie flies away. Asha flies in and starts calling while she settles on the eggs.
    16.04 Still calling now and again, and sounding somewhat croaky now.


    16.19.11  Brodie is found on a perch, preening.  Asha is calling, getting louder and louder.

    Brodie took off, and Asha continues to call, although it is getting a bit pitiful now.  Has he gone fishing?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • 10pm she's fish calling

    10.03pm FISH!!!!! I struggled to get a decent snap. Bit of a sprat-end I'd say

  • Unknown said:
    FISH!!!!! I struggled to get a decent snap. Bit of a sprat-end I'd say

    That might be a bit cruel... but only a bit Stuck out tongue winking eye

    I'm lae with this snap due to the same struggle:

    We need a new thread tonight before the first of the month seize-up sets in... and I'm not going to be able to do it, so if anyone else would like to, that would be lovely - otherwise I'll have a go later.

    If anyone needs a snap for the OP they could use this one (hastily found):

  • Your wish is my command scylla