Alyth Ospreys - 2023

This is a new thread following the Osprey nest at Alyth electricity sub station, located in the Perth and Kinross region.

The Ospreys have nested at the site  for many years, first year was around 1990.

They were nesting on a nearby electricity tower, but due to a planned expansion of the site a decision was taken to resite the old nest to a specially constructed 25-metre nesting tower and two nearby 8.5 metre resting perches, which were erected in 2014. Advice was sought from Roy Dennis.

Since that first breeding season in 2014, a total of 14 osprey chicks have been observed to have fledged from the new site.

The resident ospreys are called Harry and Flora, named by a local school in Alyth. All pupils were also given their own osprey soft toy as a thank you from the teams for getting involved and for showing such enthusiasm about the ospreys.


Richard B

  • Good Easter Monday morning Blush

    Flora stayed on the perch all night in the driving rain. She came down to the nest at 06.01 closely followed by Harry with a small fish tail.

    He mantled then let Flora have the fish and off she went. Blush

  • Oh heck, I scrolled down the thread list and missed that Alyth had been updated,so have just started going thru yesterday... and when I come to post a couple of snaps, all was revealed!  Great reporting, GLIDER, as so often!

    09 April's couple of snaps:

    They're getting on nicely together:

    Just managed to get them both in frame when one flew in to drive off corvid from perching on a stick sticking out on the right:

    Now I'll shut up Grin

  • Great snaps Scylla thanks.
  • Both birds have been enjoying time sitting the nest cup. Maybe it’s more sheltered and cosy with the strong wind today!

    Here’s Harry with Flora standing

    Then Flora

    Back to Harry

    A small fish end delivery

    Flora takes it in her beak

    Then flies off with it and a clump of moss.

    Flora returned to the nest just over 15 minutes later and Harry mated with her. 

    An intruder flies by, both birds on alert.

    Swoops in over the nest. Looks unringed. 

    Harry and Flora are defending frantically.

    As it passes over, Harry immediately flies up so I presume it is a male intruder.

    However, he returns 4 seconds later, mantling and chipping.

    Flora stays down very low in the nest cup.

    The intruder seems to pass on.

  • 15.37 Another small fish delivery. This one is very fresh.

    Flora takes it, lifts her wings and glides off.

    Ten minutes later she returns to the nest with the fish tail end. Harry flew in ahead to receive the fish.

    Harry seemed very grateful and quickly took it then he glided off. 

  • These 2 have a high rate of successful mating. Although Flora would like a fish too. She is politely asking.

    Harry arrives on the nest and mates again. 

    Flora asks for fish again.

  • She’s asking less politely for fish now. Harry is happy to sit in the cosy nest cup and tweak the grass!

  • No fish tonight for Flora. She stayed on the nest ‘till after the night cam came on and left at 21.18

  • There have been a few intruders around this morning.

    The first one reported in chat at 08.41 - he flies in and above the nest but doesn't land. HK0 warns him off and he flies off.

    Intruder above Alyth nest

    No rings spotted but this male seems very light in colour with a mainly white head.

    10:02 Harry back to the nest. He is alarm calling while mantling over HK0 who is flat in the nest.

    10:05 Mating attempt but HK0 doesn't oblige and Harry leaves.

    10.38 A different intruder flies direct to the nest - I don't believe this is the same male as before as his necklace is darker but thinner

    New untruder at Alyth nest

    He just about lands on HK0's back and she soon tips him off.

    Intruder lands on HK0

    Harry doesn't appear to have brought a fish to HK0 yet but he has been busy defending the nest and his mate.

    HK0 is spending a lot of time in the nest cup so an egg may be imminent.

  • Thanks Janni, wow, more intruders! I think today’s two look different from yesterday’s as well.

    The fish for Flora arrived at 11.33. 

    A whole fish. She quickly took it from Harry.

    Very windy again today. I like how the ospreys just lift their wings and they glide off effortlessly.