Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 2 April 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, safe, serene week!

  • Thanks to everyone for your kind, supportive comments (here and on Facebook) about my storm experience. I'm a strong woman. I'm rarely afraid, and I hate to admit it when I am (lol). But I'd had an awful week and a lot to cope with, and last night's storm was the last thing I needed. I'm going to bed early tonight. Lol
  • Diane: Here's to a peaceful night and I hope the coming weeks are easier than last week. Images from Sullivan on the evening news now. :-(
  • Diane - thank you for starting us off. I read back and saw how frightened you were when the tornado was so close. I can’t begin to imagine that. I do hope that is the end of the nasty weather and that you can relax now. Dare I ask how the wi fi situation is? I suspect that was one of the things contributing to your bad week. Here’s hoping for a much better week for you.
    This morning I am going to plant my potatoes. Only 6 in 2 sacks so it’s not that much work!! I am also going to take the covers off my garden bench and little water feature. I will fill the latter with water and the birds will be very pleased I am sure. (They have had a bowl of water throughout the winter) I have to go back to my friend’s this afternoon as the poorly iPad saga continues!!! I think it is out of my league now but I will have one last look.
  • Diane..Prayers , Hugs and Healing for you.

    Bless, as strong as we are, times do catch up with us, and we are allowed a little indulgence in self care.

    Do hope this week will e better for you.

    Hopefully here in South of UK we have a few DRY days,


  • A bit of colour to cheer us all up. View from our bedroom window this morning (and it's stopped raining, hooray!).

    Thinking of you often, Diane. I can't imagine what it must be like listening to that roaring wind and fearing for your house. {{HUGS}}

  • Thank you for starting this week. So sorry to hear you have had such a tough time.
  • Lovely photo Lindy.
    Well, I got my potatoes planted.
    After 3 hours grappling with my friend’s iPad this afternoon both at hers and at mine (it involved plugging it into my PC onto which I had to download iTunes, and resetting it.) Then, when it came to it and I rang her to get her Apple ID and password she was so muddled that I had to drive back there, get her password books and come home and try to work it out. Miraculously, I seem to have done it but I am exhausted now!!! In amongst, a crown managed to fall out posts and all at lunchtime, (I was only eating a piece of brioche toast!!!) As it happens, I have a dentists appointment tomorrow to prepare for a new different crown. Things might change now. In the morning (the appointment is in the afternoon) I am going back to my friend’s to try to set up her iPad again from scratch. Are you getting the idea of how shattered I currently feel!!!!!!!!???????
  • Oh, dear, Rusty -- not a good day. You've certainly done battle for your friend. I hope the dentist can fix your crown for you.

    We've had glorious sunshine: I went to have half an hour in the garden, and couldn't believe I was pottering around without a coat! A proper spring day, with blossoms, and the birds singing excitedly. Beautiful. Then I retired to the house to do the ironing, ugh
  • DIANE - I am so pleased you are OK. Thank you for starting our weekly chat under difficulties. Perhaps doing “normal” things will help you recover from such an awful experience {{{HUGS}}}

    RUSTY – If you have to lose a crown, what luck that it’s just before an appointment. You are a good techy friend to spend so much time & trouble on her ipad

    LINDA -- The fields in background of your pic are so green! Wait til you see my pics from yesterday.

    Bus trip successful but a little stressful crossing roads and other times. I can’t see very well especially toilet signs that have a stick figure. If only there were words I could tell 5 letters or 3. I have to get close to decide whether the stick has skirt or trousers. In fact hardly any women on the bus were wearing skirts! It may take me a while to prepare a saga. Cleaning is calling, washing is still in garage after Saturday’s sprinkle of rain, etc, etc.

    I returned home exactly at 6 pm, the earliest I had predicted. To find a grumpy OH who had found a can in pantry for his tea. My plan was homemade soup thawed from freezer. Then I discovered he had not changed his clock by his TV chair and he must have thought I was an hour late (end of daylight saving yesterday).

  • Just lost a post - will come back later.