Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2023


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

My only news is that the male Eastern Kingbird arrived this evening, completing his migration all the way from South America. He is very early this year. Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds got into my garage and nested there, wildly attacking me every time I sought my lawn mower. Lol They are bold, brave, and extremely aggressive birds.

Tonight, he landed briefly on my porch window screen and gave me a long look, then he flew around the house to his old nest site. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the male and I have established a detente. They nest in a big fallen tree in my back garden, and I leave them alone. Lol These days, his aggression is mild and more ceremonial than dangerous. Lol I'm very glad he made it back!

Enjoy your week, all.

  • Rusty -- Don't worry, I wasn't cross with you about Conwy! We have been there a couple of times but had to leave Bonnie in the car which we don't like doing, as of course there has to be a window open for her, and there have been a number of dog abductions as they are valuable now to thieves.

    Will take a look at Llanfairfechan sometime.
  • Our stellata magnolia is now out and looks magnificent. One of my favourite things in the garden.

  • BJANE: I hope you made it through the storms safely. Iowa was hit hard. Best to you.
  • OG - Happy belated birthday, Sorry to be late ...

    Well, my friend and I persevered yesterday to celebrate her birthday, in spite of almost continuous rain and some strong gusts of wind. We went to Ightham Mote, a National Trust place near Maidstone. My friend had no idea where we were going until we drove through the entrance gates! We walked round the lake, sharing the rain with the coot and moorhen, and when the rain got really heavy we dived into the house. Then on to Rochester - she guessed that destination about ten miles out. Found it impossible to park in Rochester itself, so drove across the bridge and parked - for free! - in Strood and walked back. Quick lunch, then walked up to the house I used to live in, then around the town, with another quick dive into a tea shop for cake and tea - well, it was a birthday treat! Then into the cathedral for Choral Evensong - her final treat, which she loved. She didn't want to service to end! Then a horrible drive home on the motorway in torrential rain, with lots of spray and people going far too fast in those conditions. The only thing I had hoped to do but couldn't was the castle - too dangerous in that weather, as it's almost all open to the elements - and there were plenty of elements working against us! A good day, though, in spite of the weather.

    Hope those of you across the pond are safe. Scary pictures on our news broadcasts of damage caused by tornadoes. Please keep safe.
  • Hi, all. I tried to post earlier, but I lost the post (my fault).

    I thought I should pop in and say that I'm okay. Tornadoes hit in my county, one just up the road from me, and my house shook hard. I was really scared. I have ear aches today because the pressure was so bad.

    The news is grim here. Tornadoes, high straight-line winds, and large hail tore through Indiana late last night. The death toll here is 3, so far, and the destruction was awful. Much of the damage occurred in small towns and rural areas, so the extent isn't clear yet. Lots of people had to be dug out of their basements.

    My power is on, but there's a wide outage just down the road from me. I'm still under a High Wind Warning. I walked my land, and I don't seem to have any newly downed trees. I hope the birds made it.
  • Thank goodness you're OK, DIANE. ( And your home ).
  • Diane: Good to hear from you (assume your internet is still out). I was watching the Weather Channel coverage last night, just seeing those tornadoes barrel toward various communities was awful. :-(
  • OG - Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a good one!