Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2023


I hope everyone has a serene, peaceful week.

My only news is that the male Eastern Kingbird arrived this evening, completing his migration all the way from South America. He is very early this year. Some of you may remember the year the Kingbirds got into my garage and nested there, wildly attacking me every time I sought my lawn mower. Lol They are bold, brave, and extremely aggressive birds.

Tonight, he landed briefly on my porch window screen and gave me a long look, then he flew around the house to his old nest site. Over the last 3 or 4 years, the male and I have established a detente. They nest in a big fallen tree in my back garden, and I leave them alone. Lol These days, his aggression is mild and more ceremonial than dangerous. Lol I'm very glad he made it back!

Enjoy your week, all.

  • I liked these:

    Fish made from mosaic tiles on blue "waves" around the village square. Very neat and colourful.

  • Lindybird: Pretty mosaic that - I imagine the buildings are all white to reflect the heat. You mentioned that you hadn't been to this spot for three years; how are you finding it compared to more recent destinations?

    take care all
  • Annette: It's very different to Norway last year - there, everything is cloaked in greenness. Also its a great deal warmer here! But of course, it's similar to Lanzarote, where I was way too hot last autumn. All of the Canary Islands are similar but each has its own vibe, as they say these days.

    We first went to Tenerife many years ago, after wondering if we were missing something - friends were praising the climate as somewhere to escape from our dreary winters. We had 3 holidays there, then got curious about the other islands. But this is the one we love best: the most unspoilt. We keep being drawn back.
  • LINDY - I've only been to Tenerife in the Canaries as we had a time share there. Over the years, the small fishing village expanded a lot and only the weather remained unchanged ! But we went at the same time each year and had made friends. I had always fancied Madeira, which is a little further north. We did have about five holidays there and I much preferred it ( floating garden in the Atlantic). However, over the years we could see more hotels and apartments being built there, also. So I can understand why you love Fuerteventura!

  • Keep enjoying the warmth there Lindy. It is frosty here this morning! Sunny though which is nice.
    It was interesting to read your views on the different islands. I have never been to the Canaries.
    Heather - I have always wanted to visit Madeira but haven’t yet been.
    I am off Chester Zoo this morning with a couple of friends. Naturally we are going to have lunch in the nice bistro there!!!!
  • Today’s medical agenda - appt for new glasses. It was raining lightly (we had 14 mm overnight). At the bus stop was an Elderly & Dau, we chatted about weather, then the Elderly said “How’s A & B?” (ie my big Sis & husb). Brain cogs whirred, I remembered that someone that I had not seen since I was a teenager did live somewhere nearby. She did look a little familiar and I managed to reply without admitting I hadn’t recognized her.

    Fine rain during walk 10 mins from bus stop to appt. Early, I had plenty of time to visit card shop. I now have cards for family b-days as far as Sept. I had my eyes scanned, checked, bright lights, etc. Eye pressure good. Left eye: Can you read any letters? Me: I can't even see the screen on the wall. Right eye: Much to-ing & fro-ing - Is 1 better than 2? . . .  3 or 4?. . . . etc. Result - I shall now have plain glass for left eye and new lenses (both driving & reading) for right eye, in my previous frames. The opposite to previous - I hope my brain can adjust! Pick up 7-10 working days, ie after Easter I bet.

    It took over an hour, then I added carrots, cauli, Granny Smiths (apples) & bread and it was very close to time for bus home. Long walk down Jetty Rd as fast as I could, I arrived late but luckily bus was later. Fingers & toes (but not eyes) crossed that new glasses are successful.

  • DIANE – thanks for the new week. Glad the Kingbird made it, and not into the garage!

    Only Monday morning and we are already up to page 3!

    AQ – clocks changed here at the weekend – now British “Summertime”. Pleased to see the glasses include a driving lens – hope they work out well for you!

    RUSTY – last year when J worked at Lockerbie Primary a few times, there was an Oyster Catcher nest in the playground. Amazingly, the two “Mummy Birds” (according to the kids) successfully raised a chick from their sole egg!

    LINDA – glad you are enjoying your holiday. I am with ANNETTE on the lack of trees – don’t think I could cope with an arid landscape! But then, it would be a boring world if we all enjoyed the same things!

    Sunny here today, but quite cool. Then a couple of showery weeks expected again! Cleaners this afternoon. Nearly lunchtime now – pasties. J finished at Gretna, so he is at home all day now – still with some medical appointments ahead.
  • Heather: We called into Madeira just for one day, when on a cruise once, and liked it very much. No beaches, though!

    Gran Canaria is the greenest of the large islands here, & it seemed to me to have the most flowers, too, and of course the tiny isles like la Gomera are covered in trees.

    OG : I agree about us all liking different things. We have met two (English) couples here who are residents (being chatty to next table at dinner) but although their lives sound relaxed in the sun, I would never ever live here. Being on holiday or living in a place are two quite different kettles of fish!

  • AQ -- You had quite a morning, going to your appointment. Glad you caught the bus after your rush! Sounds as if your eyes are doing OK, so good news. Hope the new glasses are ready ASAP.

    We went to Big Town (Corralejo) for a morning out. Drove the Pretty Way over the mountains to see the views, but found on the other side of the island that there had been a new spur built onto the motorway which takes everyone pell.mell to the Airport. My OH was discombobulated by this, and took the wrong turn which meant we were hurtling the wrong way to where we wanted. However, after ten minutes we were able to retrace ourselves.