Dyfi live stream is now on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pqHg8Dt7pgWe have a few problems with the video stuttering, these will be looked at as soon as possible. Visitor to the nest, with their lunch!
Half past midnight - Beaver ate everything!
scylla said:was wondering if they have any control in place, or indeed if any control exists!
Read a comment on chat from Dyfi Mod that the mink don't have any impact on Beavers but nowt about them affecting bank voles and others!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
As a general note about Mink.We would rather not have them on the reserve, but.Mink live all along the river, along with Otters, Stoats and Weasels. Also, Pine Martins have been seen very close by to the reserve.So any measures to control Mink could also affect the other Mustelids.Any measures taken in isolation on the reserve are likely to just create a vacuum that others in the local population would fill.
Richard B
A few sightings from the past couple of days:
An athletic and elegant specimen:
A single beaver ate almost all the carrots both days, but none of the views were satisfactory for a snap.
The last day of streaming - carrots were set down by the ranger pictured above, but no-one came to eat them by close-down time.
Earlier, a Raven had tussled with a mystery morsel on the nest but couldn't get anywhere with it, so left it and flew:
Thanks Scylla