Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2023


No spring here, and nobody's happy on my patch. The temp this morning was 17F; that's minus -8.3C. The "feels like" temp was 4F; that's minus -15.5C. The White Pelicans are still huddled on my two local lakes. They can't move on to Canada because it's even colder north of me.

The red-tailed hawks are very unhappy, because the Black Vultures have returned from migration. Even though R.T. Hawk and his mate chased them off last year, they decided to settle back here again. They must be a threat to the hawks' chicks because R.T. is NOT pleased. He ruffled his feathers and gave me a look like, "Well, do something!"

The red male Cardinal is not happy because the Chickadees are eating what's left of the weed tree seeds. The Cardinals are trying to build a nest above the window outside my enclosed porch, and the male has to stop and chase the Chickadees. 

I am not at all happy because my internet for my computer is down, and all I have is my phone. I'm in a snit with my internet provider. 

Well, it's now snowing, and I'm heading for bed. Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Oh dear, Diane, hope the weather improves for you (and your patch critters) very soon--don't blame you for heading to bed! Thanks for the new thread and hope your internet problems are soon settled.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks, Ann. Hope all is well with you. It's osprey season!
  • Diane:  Geez.  Sounds like general discontent all round - and the cold weather doesn't help.  We are due more rain early this week (whine, whine).  Good luck with your IP!  And of course THANK YOU!  :-)

    Hi Gardenbirder:  Hope you're keeping warm.

  • Yup, keeping warm, Annette, thanks, and hope you are keeping dry.

    Edit:  Sorry, Diane, did not notice immediately that you, too, had replied--thought you went to bed or are you looking at your phone under the covers?!  All ok here-thanks. Looking forward to yet another vaccine jab in the next month or two as finally will be old enough to qualify for another.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks Diane for starting the week. A pleasant morning here and a bit milder but doubt we will be walking Benson as he has a bit of an iffy tum and we think he has eaten something he shouldn't when out for a walk on Friday. He had no food yesterday and no walks, this morning a small brekkie of chicken and rice. We went to see "Allelujah" at Eden Court and can highly recommend it. Any film with Judi Dench has got to be worth seeing.
  • Thanks for starting us off Diane amidst the general depression on your patch. I hope it warms up soon for you and all your critters. Despite the aggro between the birds it must be lovely to do all this observation. I do hope your Internet can be restored soon.
    Dibnlib - I hope Benson is back to normal soon. It’s encouraging that he ate a bit of light brekkie this morning, Thanks for the recommendation re the film. I am going to a classical concert this afternoon. The BBC Welsh Symphony Orchestra in Llandudno. They are playing Sibelius’ Violin Concerto and Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony. I am really looking forward to it as it is my first classical concert since covid.
    Annette - I hope you don’t get too much rain.
    Lindy - I hope you and your OH continue to relax and have lots of leisurely coffees with lovely views.
    I managed to cut the grass yesterday before the rain. I just did it on a high setting on the mower but it looks tidier now.
  • ANNETTE - Sorry about the forthcoming rain. Should that not be Wine Wine instead of Whine whine ?
  • Heather - That sounds like a far more cheery thought! And your suggestion gives Annette permission ... if she needs it!

    Rusty - I'm envious of your concert - hope you really enjoy it. There's nothing like live music. And a lovely programme.

    It's grey here now, although it was sunny earlier. Quite mild, though. At church this morning everyone had a small bunch of daffodils to celebrate Mothering Sunday - I heard one man say to his neighbour, 'Ooo, the men as well!'. Just illustrates Mother Church is for everyone - even men!!
  • A Happy Belated Birthday to EE..... Enjoy your new lawnmower.

    A concert! What a treat, Rusty. Enjoy.

    Thank you to Diane for starting us off, even though it sounds as if she's the worst off in the weather stakes amongst us all.

    We've been to a nearby large town on the coast -- it's been so changeable lately that we wore shorts, but took with us cardigans and raincoats, not to mention sunhats! In the event, the clouds parted as we travelled, and only the sunhats were needed.

    We found some very naughty cakes & brought one each home to eat later.

    Had another pleasant coffee sitting on the seafront,  this time highly amused by a small child being taught to walk by her mother (or should I say "parent!") - the little one was shrieking with joy at her achievement as Mum held her hands, but as usual, forgot whilst smiling at us, to look properly where she was going!

    Found a new shop with lots of interesting knick knacks, but were disappointed to also discover that our favourite coffee stop from years gone by, now closed and empty :-((

  • Rusty: I love Sibelius and Tchaikovsky.  Haven't been to a concert in years.  Lots of great orchestra's from all over the world come to the Granada Theatre in Santa Barbara.  I used to go to the LA Philharmonic's Friday night concerts at the Hollywood Bowl when I lived in Long Beach.  Five of us shared the cost of a box for the season and we could take dinner and drink wine (ahem). Can't imagine driving from Long Beach to LA on a Friday night - or any other night - these days.

    PatO;  Flowers for all sounds lovely.

    Lindybird:  Very naughty cakes eh?  :-)