Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2023


No spring here, and nobody's happy on my patch. The temp this morning was 17F; that's minus -8.3C. The "feels like" temp was 4F; that's minus -15.5C. The White Pelicans are still huddled on my two local lakes. They can't move on to Canada because it's even colder north of me.

The red-tailed hawks are very unhappy, because the Black Vultures have returned from migration. Even though R.T. Hawk and his mate chased them off last year, they decided to settle back here again. They must be a threat to the hawks' chicks because R.T. is NOT pleased. He ruffled his feathers and gave me a look like, "Well, do something!"

The red male Cardinal is not happy because the Chickadees are eating what's left of the weed tree seeds. The Cardinals are trying to build a nest above the window outside my enclosed porch, and the male has to stop and chase the Chickadees. 

I am not at all happy because my internet for my computer is down, and all I have is my phone. I'm in a snit with my internet provider. 

Well, it's now snowing, and I'm heading for bed. Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Sorry to hear that the weather in UK has not improved. Also, saw a report in The News pages that certain States in the USA have had devastating tornadoes. Stay safe everyone.

    I hope that Rusty is managing to have her round of golf.

    Don't forget all in the,UK, to put your clocks forward one hour tonight!!
  • Yesterday we had a trip across the island. Stopped in Calete de Fuste for a coffee on the front- this is the view from my chair. The sand is mostly put there artificially, by the truckload but it is fine and pale yellow, so is beloved by the many tourists. Had a quick look around their shops which are mostly either high end jewellers or full of tacky souvenirs. Not much in between, so managed not to spend!!

    Edit: the large red building is a new hotel there - in the more than 20 years we've been coming, the town has doubled in size.

  • We enjoy the journey there and back, down big valleys in the central parts. This is a view through our windscreen. As you enter another area, there is often a symbolic gateway at the side of the road, welcoming you.

  • Nearer. There are mountains like these in every direction,  both in front of us and behind.  This is a main road but there's little traffic, compared to the UK where this sort of road would be nose to tail these days. The roads are very good, and well signposted for the most part.

  • In this area, the ground suddenly becomes red as the earth is different- its very striking.

  • I love it! The farmhouses look as if they've been there for centuries, and I'm sure some of them have.

  • Typical rural windmill - more modern than the old ones which are stone towers. Note that solar panels are now in vogue here, too!

    In this area, we saw a very large bird of prey slowly and majestically circling, but it was too high and we were on the move ourselves, so I couldn't identify it as couldn't see what colour it was. But very big, with the most beautiful wings feathered literally, at the edges. They have local hawks so it must have been one of them.

  • Lindy - Lovely photographs. Oh for some sunshine. And those roads look lovely and smooth - no potholes ...! Not a bit like England, or at least my part of it, where you just hope you get the car home safely with its four wheels intact.

    Rusty - Hope you are enjoying your golf. It's very windy here ... hope it's less where you are.
  • Morning all:  I was watching the Weather Channel last night which was tracking the tornadoes - and one big one in particular which they identified by its 'debris ball' -  as they made their way across the South.  You could see the They were telling residents 'you have five minutes to get to your safe place"  then "three minutes," etc.   Awful destruction.  

    Lindybird: Interesting windmill; wonder if the slats are angled or if there's some kind of mesh between them....... The whole area looks very peaceful -

  • STARTING NEW THREAD NOW (a little early, sorry)