LOCH GARTEN - March/April 2023

Last season it was decided to restrict live streaming to one cam only (no PTZ) and with no IR for nightcam - this was because the pair who'd been so promising in 2021 had apparently been scared off while they were still bonding, so advice was taken from Roy Dennis on how to avoid unnecessarily alarming the birds and that was the result.

We trust that "normal service will be resumed" this season.

On the 10th of April 2022 our female from 2021, whom Mike had named Mistle, returned - and two days later her partner AX6 Axel duly arrived.  Both were spotted by Ailie and CRinger, and both of those talents we have lost - the latter due to the unwelcome renaming of Mistle to Asha, which the rest of us have accepted... because we had no choice Relieved 

Breeding commenced late, and Axel wasn't the best provider nor the best nest-builder we'd ever seen - nevertheless the pair went on to fledge two beautiful chicks, one of whom tragically died thru, a necropsy determined, salmonella infection.

Asha left very early and we thought Axel had gone early too - but he made surprise appearances until quite late (dates anyone?).

I'll have to do it myself then - Axel was last seen on 10 September @ 11:09, when he flew off after first a visit to the nest and campost, and then a 5-minute preen on the perch.

"Axel", Blue AX6(16) male (yes he does have strong chest markings), a single chick (possibly from 3 eggs) hatched Glen Affric, near Beauly, seen Lossiemouth 2020, then at LG in 2021

"Asha"- Female - Unringed - partnered Axel in 2021.


Blue 1C2 Male

Blue 1C1 Female (died)

Sometimes Asha had to be quite assertive to get Axel off the eggs - always a good sign Hugging

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

RSPB Video Channel - Osprey, Goshawk, etc: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl8QdQ9ZaBT65tF1yOmbMBQ

All pictures & videos ©RSPB LochGarten & WildlifeWindows 


Purple heartDedicated...Purple heart 

  • The cam has been buffering since 09:17.
  • Glider said:
    Am I right in thinking LG didn’t like the name Mistle as it sounded like Missile?

    That's what Fergus said when he responded to objections - but some people here felt that he was being very flippant, not understanding how deeply upset they were.

    It's only Americans who pronounce missile as missle, anyway, and our Americans are very easy-going about such things ♥

    (This was typed yesterday but left unposted.

    In the meantime - I haven't tried to contact anyone about the cam being down for so long - as I still have Fergus's tetchiness uppermost... well, after Richard Thaxton's frequent admonishing "be patient" Tired face

    EDIT - the cam's back up, same URL - but with a splodge on the lens, water, I think:

  • 15 March

    Representing the Crossbill couple and maybe a couple of other little visitors foraging on a dark morning from 07:15 onwards - this guy hopped to the fence from an invisible perch to the left of the cam:

    I hope this was a good omen Hearts

    • www.youtube.com/.../09WiVeAvr2w
      This live webcam is also available and has been online live for quite a while but not on that link. It’s from Leighton Moss in Lancashire but is not available on the link that is provided in this thread!



  • A brilliant opening post to our 2023 season, Scylla. So succinctly expressed. I am so looking forward to the return of Mistle/Asha in particular, and wish Axel a safe arrival.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I would like to know is the bird feeder webcam going to be available to watch online all year as promised a few years ago. It has been offline for most of the winter, then was available late during the winter and then taken down offline earlier than usual. So my question is the bird feeder webcam going to be available online all year as has had been the plan around 2 years ago or have I got to wait until the Autumn of next winter in the hope that there will be no major disruption to the bird feeder webcam as has been the case this last two years!



  • Unknown said:
    This live webcam is also available and has been online live for quite a while but not on that link. It’s from Leighton Moss in Lancashire but is not available on the link that is provided in this thread!

    Thank you, THOMO !!!  I didn't know anything about it!  I do wish "they" would be consistent and put all the live streams on RSPB Video's channel.

    There's no informtion in the Description panel, do you know if the nest is normally occupied?

    I suppose any reports might have to go in News from Other Nests for the time being, we'll have to make a decision, but I'm packing up now.



    You need to address that query to abernethy@rspb.org.uk (it won't get there if you type "abernathy", by the way).

    As you probably know, it's not online for the foreseeable future due to building works.

  • 16 March

    She was about to commence work, under supervision:

    She's got a stick:

    Great Tit waiting to take over - her beak is stuffed and she's about to leave:

    I have to be away for quite a while.

  • The goshawk cam is live too:

    Should we start a seperate thread for that (and I'd like to, but don't know how to do it)
  • Hi Bart. Goshawk thread wouldn't appear here with the Osprey threads though , you'd need to start a new thread elsewhere (trying to think where ...... I've forgotten what to call the area where other stuff is  but wherever it is (and I'm sure other memners will help you , you will need to go up to the white rectangle with New+ in it. A click on that to start the thread....

    sorry Bart, I'm making a hash of this post