Link to 2022 season's thread

Foulshaw Moss 2022: Three chicks were raised successfully - Blue 479, a female weighing 1.8kg, Blue 480, a male weighing 1.7kg, and Blue 481, a male weighing 1.4kg (info taken from CWT's ringing blog)

©CWT/Foulshaw Moss

Esthwaite 2022: Adults, 7A(14) ('son' of Blue 35 & White YW) and an unringed female, raised a sole surviving female chick (from 3 eggs laid) who was ringed Blue 488, weighing 1.701kg. Link to Osprey Safari Fb page (please scroll down the Fb site for last season's updates).

©Osprey Safari/Esthwaite


Link to the CWT/Foulshaw Moss Ospreys webcam page

Female Blue 35 - Hatched 2010 - Kielder 1 nest

Male White YW - Hatched 2008 - Bassenthwaite

Last year, Female Blue 35 arrived first, at 1pm on 30 March 2022, followed by the male White YW at around 7.30pm that evening (in 2021 they both returned 26 March).

Hoping for their safe, spring migrations and another another successful season.

*In special memory of Starling (RIP) and Patily (RIP) who both loved watching and reporting on the FM nest*

  • Thank you Scylla. I feel quite contrite  and apologize               Frowning2

  • Cirrus,
    I have just checked again and the 2 static cam views are now streaming, in addition to the interactive camera.
  • Unknown said:

    Thank you Scylla. I feel quite contrite  and apologize               

    Aww (((Cirrus))) Kissing heart

    I'm still tearing my hair out, having to make even more amendments to the Libre Office doc (freebie alternative to Microsoft Office Word, in case anyone doesn't know)... the menus are so cluttered.

    Also in case anyone doesn't know, Cirrus and I know each other rather well, long-distance, so she doesn't get upset when I get bossy.

  • Just ignore this if you're fed up with me going on about it.

    Update on download/recording difficulties:

    I can't screen-capture these cams because they switch themselves off every 15-30 minutes (I haven't timed it) and you have to click the Play arrow to get them going again.

    Yesterday I had the brilliant idea of setting the downloader to "collect" a maximum quality of Full HD 1080P - but then it wouldn't download it at all, because I had misunderstood what the setting meant, which was that it wouldn't collect anything above that resolution.  So I undid that setting and the stream would download but of course it's too "big" to cope with.

    Just now I rechecked the cam page "intestines" and found that they'd changed the m3u8 link, it's now 720P... but it's video-only, no sound!  Better than nothing and at that rate I can record Cams 1&2 (plus the 360, but you can't navigate that on the recording, only live on YT.)

  • ye gods    ! ! ! ! ! !      groan        

    all I can say  is, Bravo Scylla . You exemplify persistence and perseverance 

  • Quote CWT: "Listen to and watch the ospreys' live action..." ... but there's no sound on any of the cams since they reduced the video resolution.

    One partial birdie found on the 360!

  • If anyone detects sound on the 1&2 cams, could they please post here?  Cos I'll see a new post and will be reminded to check for a new URL for downloading.  I'm packing up now after a tiring tech night.

    This morning, not for long:

  • Thanks again Janni  - still only got one cam live but at least I can now view  the nest

  • Hi Cirrus,
    I am glad you can see one of the cams! I am still having difficulty in viewing all 3 cams on one page but have a workaround now which works for me! I am unable to see Cam 1 & 2 on Firefox on my desktop but can see them on my mobile using Firefox! Switching to Microsoft Edge does show me all 3 cams on the same page so I will use that browser whilst on my desktop.
    I can find no explanation for this anomaly but hey ho at least I have something that works now!
  • Happy for you Janni

    maybe my PC desktop will start to behave itself           Neutral face