GLASLYN - March/April 2023

All pictures and videos ©Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

After the tragedy of 2021, the 2022 Season was a great success, with 3 beautiful youngsters fledging and migrating - Blue 497, 498 and 499 (courtesy of Glider):

Here's to the safe return of our precious pair, MrsG (thank you MaryGK for the original snap) and Aran:


GLASLYN YOUTUBE CHANNEL - where the latest live stream links can always be found.


Today, this year's indispensable volunteers gathered to give us a Group Wave, and I thought we should pay tribute to them here:

(How sparse this seems for a season OP - but it's all I've got to give.  I think we need the new thread sooner rather than later, being mindful of the likelihood of Dovey Devils and/or Clywedog Kids swooping in RoflBlue heart )

  • Thanks for the new thread, Scylla. The volunteers waving at the camera in your video from Saturday were only those who live close enough to the Visitor Centre to get to the meeting easily. The Zoom thing on Sunday was attended by those volunteers who live too far from Glaslyn to make a day trip of it, those like us (in Surrey) and there was at least one from Hampshire, etc.. I expect that Heather and a couple of others just had to repeat everything two days in a row! It is a bit of an expedition for us to go to North-west Wales which is why we can only visit when we are there on holiday. If we lived closer, we would be volunteering there at least once a week, probably more, during the season! And the rest of the week we would be visiting the other Welsh Osprey nests (not that I am in the least bit addicted, you understand!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    not that I am in the least bit addicted, you understand!

    Liar, liar!  Pants on fire Rofl

  • Thanks Scylla for starting up the thread, all the info and lovely portraits.

    I can't remember exactly how many seasons Mrs G has been with us but I know it is "many". She is just wonderful.

    Here's wishing Mrs G and Aran a safe journey home and a successful season.
  • Karen, this will be Mrs G's 20th season (should she (and we!) be lucky enough for her to return yet again to her Glaslyn home--my fingers are crossed!) She and her two partners have had chicks fledge successfully for all but two seasons to date. The nest fell from the tree in a storm in 2004 and the chicks died, and then in 2021 the chicks died because Aran suffered an injury which prevented him from providing fish. The timing was very unfortunate since if the chicks had been a bit older they might have survived the short gap in fish supply to the time when Glaslyn was able to provide fish. If they had not done that the chicks AND Aran, probably, would have died. I know that there is always disagreement about whether or not to intervene, both choices understandable in my view, but my position is to simply accept that the people on the ground are doing the best they can, whether or not the rest of us happen to agree. All Osprey folk are passionate about protecting these amazing birds and long may that continue.

    Scylla--Lol!! (And neither are any of the rest of us here--addicted, that is!)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Gardenbirder - thanks for all the info and advising this will be Mrs G's 20th season. Truly amazing.
  • Still lots of them around:

    Again this morning DoveDove

    Does anyone know why nightcam is so glary this season?

  • Tonight's view at Glaslyn, horrid weather!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Early morning 'events' - the Stock Doves only spent a minute or two here today, then a teeny Great Tit, then some sheep activity...

  • Heather has just reported that the internet is down, and I lost the pic and 'chat' on YouTube.
    But it has returned! Given the wind and the rain, it wouldn't surprise me if it goes again.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • From Pont Croesor cam - Water, water everywhere!

    © Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018