Link to all blogs and updates throughout the 2022 season

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2022 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 13th March; NC0(16) - 23rd March

Looking forward to welcoming back Laddie and NC0 to this wonderful location at Loch of the Lowes. Will Laddie, in his 12th season, beat his earliest arrival date that he achieved last year? Will NC0, her 4th season, be heard before she is seen on cam? Could we see the return of their 2021 offspring, LR1 and LR2? Here's hoping they have safe, spring migrations so as to grace our screens once again. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43)   Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32)   Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39)   Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)


March/April Blogs and Updates (published dates)

28.2.23 SWT video >>> Prepping the Osprey Nest for the Season

17.3.23 SWT (News) blog >>> Successful reunion of breeding ospreys at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

24.3.23 LotL blog >>> Breeding osprey return to Loch of the Lowes on the same day!

3.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 2 

5.4.23 LotL blog >>> First egg of the osprey season - Week 2

7.4.23 LotL blog >>> Second Egg for Osprey Pair at Loch of the Lowes

10.4.23 LotL blog >>> Easter Egg Surprises - The Arrival of the Third Egg and an Unwanted Guest

16.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes- Week 3

21.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Weeks 4 & 5

23.4.23 LotL blog >>> Loch of the Lowes Osprey Sighted on their First Migration North

25.4.23 LotL blog >>> Let’s Eggsamine NC0’s Three-Egg Clutch

30.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 6

  • There was a beautiful headless fish delivered to NC0 at 15:48

    Cam zoomed in

    I wonder if NC0's darvic ring will come off this season?

    Off she went

    The cam panned back out


  • Goodness me - NC0 only returned back to the nest at 20:59, with some fish still in her talons! Laddie you are an absolute marvel for incubating so long!

    Laddie was making soft calls to NC0 who was on the birch

    She heard and made her way to the nest

    NC0 landed, the remainder of the fish in her right talons

    Laddie flapped his wings, he spied the fish

    The cam zoomed in slightly. He left the nest

    The cam zoomed in further. NC0 released her grip of the fish close to the eggs

    NC0 settled on it, and the eggs


    Laddie returned after a quick comfort break

    NC0 rose slightly from the eggs

    Laddie saw the fish...

    Attempted to pick it up...

    But NC0's talons were still on the fish and he couldn't pull it out from under her

    NC0 settled. He made his way around the edge of the nest

    He made an accidental? tap on NC0

    Then made his way back round to his original position

    Laddie made a couple more attempts at trying to take the fish, NC0 wasn't budging

    A half-hearted attempt to take the fish

    Hmm, he ventured over to the right side edge again

    He was looking for the fish, making short calls

    Back round to the left side

    He picked up a small feather

    Shook it from his beak, it landed on NC0's back

    Laddie then moved a clump of grass

    Then a stick

    Over to the left side of the nest again

    NC0 adjusted her position, Laddie watched

    When NC0 resumed incubation, Laddie made a contact call and left the nest at 21:07

    i really felt so sorry, and frustrated, for Laddie!


  • Laddie hadn't return to the nest by the time night cam came on at 21:19


  • LotL Fb re the sighting of LR2(21) in Northern Spain recently (There is also a short video of him in the comments section, very kindly shared by Valerie W.)

     Loch of the Lowes Osprey Sighted on their First Migration North

  • Aw, like you Sandra, I so wanted Laddie to get the leftover fish, especially after that really long incubation. Slight smile

    Thanks for the update on LR2, I’ll check it out when I get back from work later.
  • Good morning Glider and All,

    Laddie took over incubation at 5am

    At 5:23, Laddie rose from the eggs and found the remainder of the fish

    And took it off nest

    The eggs were alone for 20 minutes before NC0 returned

    Laddie returned at 6:20 for a brief visit

    He was back again with a stick at 7:00

    She flew to the birch area but then did a u-turn over the Loch, gave chase to a bird, went out of view then back round to fly down the inlet


  • I wonder if NC0 had bathed? She did a lot of preening on the perch, when she returned at 7:15, before relieving a reluctant Laddie from incubation

    He left at 7:20

    NC0 at 7:47

    Off to work shortly. BFN


  • A quick scroll back:  An intruder flew low over the nest at 10:08, Laddie had just arrived so must have seen it approaching beforehand

    Laddie did not give chase and stayed with NC0, both were quietly watchful 

    Laddie left at 10:15

    He was back at 10:22 - skydancing could be heard

    Things were quiet and Laddie left the nest again

    Laddie came back again at 12:44 for a change in incubation duty. He's still there at 13:15, NC0 on the birch



  • 14:12 NC0 came back to the nest, after her break away, with a thick stick

    The wind carried Laddie off as he flew from the nest

    He landed on the birch


  • What a fabulous read from SWT Sandra. I was thinking that one of the two 2021 youngsters had been spotted before and indeed it was LR2. Clever boy probably using somewhere closer to spend his winters. He has chosen well with this nature reserve on his way back. Crossing everything that he’ll be seen somewhere to say hello, might be here or Alyth. Heart eyes