Link to all blogs and updates throughout the 2022 season

Webcam page with links to LotL Visitor Centre and Wildlife Reserve FB, Twitter and Blogs >>>


For the latest 'live' YouTube link, visit >>> SWT YT Channel

The Osprey Protection Programme at Loch of the Lowes is supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

All captures and videos ©Scottish Wildlife Trust/Loch of the Lowes


2022 return dates: LM12 (Laddie) - 13th March; NC0(16) - 23rd March

Looking forward to welcoming back Laddie and NC0 to this wonderful location at Loch of the Lowes. Will Laddie, in his 12th season, beat his earliest arrival date that he achieved last year? Will NC0, her 4th season, be heard before she is seen on cam? Could we see the return of their 2021 offspring, LR1 and LR2? Here's hoping they have safe, spring migrations so as to grace our screens once again. 

Nest Updates

Arrival dates: NC0 - 17.3.23 (07:43)   Laddie - 17.3.23 (13:43)

Eggs laid: Egg #1 - 4.4.23 (09:32)   Egg #2 - 7.4.23 (09:39)   Egg #3 - 10.4.23 (09:10)


March/April Blogs and Updates (published dates)

28.2.23 SWT video >>> Prepping the Osprey Nest for the Season

17.3.23 SWT (News) blog >>> Successful reunion of breeding ospreys at Loch of the Lowes Wildlife Reserve

24.3.23 LotL blog >>> Breeding osprey return to Loch of the Lowes on the same day!

3.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 2 

5.4.23 LotL blog >>> First egg of the osprey season - Week 2

7.4.23 LotL blog >>> Second Egg for Osprey Pair at Loch of the Lowes

10.4.23 LotL blog >>> Easter Egg Surprises - The Arrival of the Third Egg and an Unwanted Guest

16.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes- Week 3

21.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes - Weeks 4 & 5

23.4.23 LotL blog >>> Loch of the Lowes Osprey Sighted on their First Migration North

25.4.23 LotL blog >>> Let’s Eggsamine NC0’s Three-Egg Clutch

30.4.23 LotL blog >>> Osprey Diary at Loch of the Lowes – Week 6

  • 12:55 It sounded like NC0 was fish calling before flapping onto the nest from above the cam. Laddie had already risen from the eggs

    Immediate, successful mating before he left

    NC0 continuing to incubate at 13:17



  • 13:58 Laddie to the nest with a small piece of nesting material (he had visited the nest a couple of times between my last post and this; he kept NC0 company and both were keeping an eye on their territory)

    Both watchful

    Laddie preening

    NC0 was fish calling and became more insistent 

    She took off and headed to the birch


  • NC0 landed on the nest at 14:40

    NC0 back to the precious eggs

    Both were alert, scanning the sky

    NC0 fish calling quite loudly!

    Laddie looking skyward

    He headed off, with NC0's dulcet tones most probably echoing in his ears! lol

    15:22 NC0 quietly incubating


  • Laddie with talons full of moss at 15:34 - NOT what NC0 was expecting!

    Sounding her displeasure!

    He headed off


  • 16:33 Laddie flew in with a small piece of nesting material. No Laddie, NC0 is asking for a fish!

    She flew off. I noticed his 'undercarriage' was wet

    He had only just settled to incubate when NC0 made an appearance from the right to land on the perch...

    ...which gave him a fright!

    NC0 was still fish shouting

    Cam zoomed in

    Hmm, selective deafness from Laddie

    NC0 down to the nest

    Laddie off

    Cam zoomed in further at 16:50

    NC0 did not give us another peek at the eggs, unfortunately.

    Cam panned out a bit at 17:10. Here is NC0 and the nest at 17:14 before going back to the normal webcam view 


  • 18:17 NC0 rose from the eggs, shouting. Could she see Laddie approaching?

    Yes she could BUT he had another clump of moss in his talons, much to NC0's dismay

    NC0 left the nest and landed on the birch

    NC0 still fish shouting while on the birch (18:40)


  • NC0 returned at 18:47

    Laddie off the nest

    NC0 at 18:50


  • Laddie to the nest at 19:57 - unsure if anything was in his talons as the LS jumped just before his fly-in (there was sound). Judging by NC0's reaction, no fish

    Laddie was aerating, then settled on the eggs, behind her while she was shouting

    He got up, NC0 to the nest cup

    He left the nest

    He landed in the area marked (yellow) at 20:02


  • 20:17 NC0 still fish calling

    *Just to note, the LS has been buffering/freezing and pixelating*


  • Comprehensive round-up - thank you Sandra! I did attempt a video but the buffering defeated me. If there was a clock I could be sure of repeats but..

    Lovely photos - great job.