Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week (and good weather!). Hope all are safe.

No news to report from my patch. I enjoyed the posts from Pat O and dibnlib about the Eagle Owls. I would surely love to see one of those someday. Such a miracle of nature.

OG: I was glad to see a post from you. I think about you and EE every day. I'm sorry about J's difficulties.

Love to all.

  • I drive a 2007 Saturn Aura. Several years after I bought it the company stopped making them. I see a lot of them on the streets still and when I worked, quite a few of my coworkers had one. I'm quite fond of the Saturn brand. Never understood why they quit making them.
  • bjane: Just Googled Saturn. Apparently bankruptcy of GM then some takeover by another company that wasn't to anyone's liking. Among other autopsies, Harvard Business Review had "Why Saturn was Doomed to Fail." My friend's niece had one but she had lots of trouble with it; glad yours is still going strong. Routine maintenance does make a difference.
  • Thanks to you all for some good reading. I haven't been well for a few days but on the mend and will get back to posting before long !
  • Sorry you have been ill HEATHER. Glad you have turned the corner.
  • Sorry to hear that, Heather. Hope you soon feel better.

    We've had a ghastly day, due to lost keys. All sorted now, thank goodness, but I'm tired out over the drama of it.
  • HEATHER: Sending you healing energy. Hope you are fully recovered soon.

    ALL: Sunshine and a VERY warm 67F here. That's 19.4C. WOOHOO!!! Happy March, everyone! Can't believe this old house and I made it through the winter. (Hope this isn't Fool's Spring, and we won't have any late season blizzards.)
  • Sorry to hear you haven’t been well Heather. Glad you are on the mend.
    Diane - that’s much warmer than here!! I do hope you don’t have a late winter blast. I gather snow is forecast for here next week!!!!!
  • I'm ready & waiting for Community Bus. Yesterday I was told pickup at 9.15 am. Phone call a short time ago from Idiot to tell me time is changed from "9.50 to 9.20". As I said, I hope the driver is better organized.

    No time to chat. HEATHER - I hope you are feeling better.

  • Very cold here with gale-force winds, one strong burst sent a tree crashing onto the 101 Freeway (no injuries). Traffic was badly backed up and all the worse because the only other North-South route through Los Angeles is closed due to snow and ice.  The fallen tree was a Eucalyptus (native to Australia) and more and more are being removed because the bark sheds constantly and provides great fuel for spreading wildfires; also they are unstable due to their shallow roots and thus vulnerable to high winds, especially when the soil is soaked, as is ours currently.   Meanwhile, two non-Eucs came down on a nearby road this morning.  There'll probably be more by the time the evening news comes along....  

    Heather: Hope you're doing even better by now.

    Diane:  Good Lord, the weather gods must be drunk on something.  Glad you and the house have survived yet another winter.  

  • Just a really enjoyable book "Someone Else's Shoes" by JoJo Moyes