Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week (and good weather!). Hope all are safe.

No news to report from my patch. I enjoyed the posts from Pat O and dibnlib about the Eagle Owls. I would surely love to see one of those someday. Such a miracle of nature.

OG: I was glad to see a post from you. I think about you and EE every day. I'm sorry about J's difficulties.

Love to all.

  • bjane:  -Just dropped in on Amazon to get a feel for the book - it looks like something I'd read and will follow up.... I'm currently taking a break from mysteries and picked up Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit and Glamor of an Icon at the local library.   Not a lot of concentration required;  predictably gossipy with the author apparently full of admiration. Taylor apparently helped a lot of people anonymously even before all her well publicized work on behalf of AID patients, but OMG, what self-indulgence (fueled by alcohol).  She and Richard B were the perfect codependents.  Anyway, am now finishing A Private Spy: Letters of John le Carre, edited by his son Tim Cornwell (who died right before the book was published).  I love all his books (with the exception of Little Drummer Girl) and his letters are extraordinarily gracious in the way he must've made the recipients feel appreciated and valued.

  • Rant alert - Bus to shops arrived 10 mins late; then it took ¾ hour to pick up remaining 6 for a journey that would take me 10 mins. My shopping lasted 35 mins so I rang a Friend while waiting to return!!! Late leaving as driver spent 10 mins chatting, bantering with one lady, spruiking a monthly outing to lunch, etc. We were dropped off in order, last on, first off. Alas, I was No 4 on. More banter at each stop. He answers his mobile while driving (no, not hands-free device). I didn’t get home until 12.45 pm, with a headache. Please please may my eyes repair or I get driving glasses; I do not have patience to waste so much time on 2 meagre bags of shopping. Dau is booked for major shop next Wed.
  • Just a thought

    I wish I were what I was when I was trying to become what I am now. (graffiti)

    The law of gravity: when you’re down, everything falls on you.

    It isn’t where you come from. It’s where you’re going that counts. (Ella Fitzgerald)

  • Oh AQ how frustrating. It sounds as if it is very much a social thing for those who use the bus regularly. Here’s hoping that your eyes do repair and that you can drive again soon.
    Heather - I hope you are feeling better.
  • I am back again to report on a lovely morning’s birdwatching with a group at a local country park. The skylarks were singing and on the river were dippers, a grey wagtail and a kingfisher. Very bright bullfinch on the bird table by the cafe. The sun has come out here. On the downside, one of the ladies I payed golf with yesterday has rung to say she has tested positive for covid!!!! We were outside on the course except for 30 minutes in the clubhouse where we were all sitting round quite a small table!!! Well. I will just have to cross my fingers because I have a busy weekend ahead.
  • AQ Quick pop in to say using the not-hands-free phone while driving would have me calling/writing to anyone and everyone.

    Rusty: A kingfisher! Isn't that an unusual sighting?
  • So nice to see OG and EE posted earlier in the week. Glad you are beginning to feel a little better OG and hope that J soon finds the bus timetable sorts itself out.

    Mixed weather, showers in the night, cloudy and sunny during the day but feeling cool.
    Thanks for all your news. See that the ospreys are on their way back, soon be the start of the season.
  • Annette - That book was MY break from mysteries!
  • Annette - yes it is quite rare to see a kingfisher because they usually just fly past so quickly and all you see is a flash of blue. There are a couple of places where they are reasonably reliable but I had never seen one before at the place we went to today. Other people had but I had always missed it!! Hence why I was so pleased.
  • Oh, quiet on here -- I've been absent as too busy. Just had to sign in again to get on this thread :-(

    I'd so love to see a kingfisher!!

    Busy getting our suitcases out of the loft as off again on our travels in a week or so. Also baking some cakes as off to visit our Midlands family tomorrow -- yipee! It's cold here today. Liked your quotes, AQ - hope all is going well with the eye.