Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week (and good weather!). Hope all are safe.

No news to report from my patch. I enjoyed the posts from Pat O and dibnlib about the Eagle Owls. I would surely love to see one of those someday. Such a miracle of nature.

OG: I was glad to see a post from you. I think about you and EE every day. I'm sorry about J's difficulties.

Love to all.

  • A wonderful display of the Aurora Borealis last night. I didn't see it but my local Facebook posts are full of pictures.
  • Morning all: More rain here. Not complaining.

    Lindybird: For some reason I can't see the image you post unless I click on them to enlarge them..... That's just over the last week; not a worry though. I did like todays - we have so much to be thankful for...

    Heather: Ah, too bad you missed the AB.
  • Annette - that was useful what you said about Lindy’s post. I hadn’t clicked it so hadn’t read it until now.
    Heather - I saw about the Aurora on TV this morning. Gorgeous pictures. I know it was seen further south but I doubt I would see it because of all the ambient light here. I will try if it is clear and I am awake in the night.
    Lindy - I hope you got your housework done.
    I had a brilliant morning at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB. I just went by myself - last minute decision - but people are so friendly and helpful there. I saw over 40 species of birds in 2.5 hours!!!!!!! Whooper swans, marsh harriers, Egyptian Geese (unusual for “up north”)and a mandarin duck!! I had never seen one at Burton before. The very first bird I saw when I walked in was a great white egret really close to the visitors centre!!!!
  • Another week - another muddled day - but some progress. I have at last felt good enough to try to rearrange the dental appointments missed when I was ill - awaiting an email reply with new schedule and price quote.

    To whoever asked, yes, J is using buses to get to and from Gretna - but they don't seem to run to timetable - this morning he arrived 30 minutes late, and the one he waited for to come home sailed straight past the bus stop even though he hailed it - all very unsettling for him. He will keep trying.

    I am hoping he will soon decide how to dispose of his little car - don't want a reminder sittting on our drive! Not worth much at 7 years old, but don't want it to sit there until it rusts away.

    E-E and I went to church yesterday (Sunday) which was a good service - again led by the chaplain to our community hospital. Still quite cold here - but there was no frost this morning after three consecutive cold ones.

    All very mundane compared with your bird-watching trips, long walks etc, but the garden birds are gathering in abundance and variety to keep us entrtained.  Rooks have reappeared as they did last spring!  So we have Bluetits and Corvids and everything between - including gangs of Feral Pigeons.

  • Rusty:  Sounds like a super day - serendipity!

    OG:  I was wondering about the bus service for J.  I would be frustrated too.  Does anyone remember chasing (double-decker) buses that were just pulling away from the stop, grabbing the bar and leaping onto that open platform at the back?  And leaving in pretty much the same way, by leaning out from the same bar and getting off at a trot?   Seven seems young for a car:  Mine is 9 years old; OH drives a 2005 Toyota Camry with only 135K miles on it that's as zippy as ever, daughter has a 2013 Honda, granddaughter has the newest - a 2015 Subaru - and is hanging onto her rather disreputable-looking but still running 2006 Honda Accord in the hopes it will be a good starter car for Ms. D, who will start driving lessons in just over 3 years.  Ye gods!  

  • I think a 7-year-old car is only a baby! Mine is 17 and still running fine. . . or it would be if I could see to drive. Next week I’ll ask Dau to take it shopping with us. As for busses, no wonder people don’t use them. They are so infrequent, never connect with other services and don’t run Sunday mornings. Tomorrow I have a dilemma – my bus should arrive 4 mins before my eye appt. Otherwise it is a 35 min wait in a crowded waiting room or pace the footpath on a seatless busy road.
  • I too have an old car - 14 years young. When it had its MOT in January I asked the mechanic if I should think of changing it and he said “why would you want to do that?” implying that it was fine. It gets me where I need to go so I am keeping it.
    AQ and OG - buses unless you are in a city are, at best, infrequent and at worst, fail to arrive at all. I think that that bus driving straight past J was terrible. Was he the only person at the stop? I count myself very fortunate to be on a good rural bus route and have a service to Chester every 30 minutes. It seems to be pretty reliable although I must admit that if I am going for an appointment or something, I do tend to get the earlier bus. I can sympathise with your dilemma AQ.
    I looked for the aurora at midnight but, sadly, it was cloudy here.
    OG - glad you got to church. I am very lucky that feral pigeons don’t seem to have made it to where I live. Perhaps they don’t like the neighbourhood!!!!!!!!! Plenty wood pigeons though but I don’t know where the collared doves have gone to.
  • Fabulous RUSTY....what a great morning.

    HEATHER We didn't; see the Northern Lights either. We would have had to drive a few miles I think, where it is darker.
  • OG Such a shame the busses are so erratic. We can't rely on them here either, they are constantly being cancelled. It is no wonder people feel unable to use public transport.

    Glad you are improving.