Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2023


I hope everyone has a peaceful, joyful week (and good weather!). Hope all are safe.

No news to report from my patch. I enjoyed the posts from Pat O and dibnlib about the Eagle Owls. I would surely love to see one of those someday. Such a miracle of nature.

OG: I was glad to see a post from you. I think about you and EE every day. I'm sorry about J's difficulties.

Love to all.

  • Hi all and especially Diane. All fine here; storm has passed leaving light layer of snow on nearby hills. Hope everyone has a good Sunday. :-)
  • Thank you so much, Diane. I'm glad you and others in the USA are all OK. It even made it onto our TV News, about your unusual weather.

    It's dry and still here, but it's been quite cold overnight.
  • Happy Sunday all from a freezing Suffolk. The sun is out but its cold.

    Apologies for lack of postings but I had multiple offspring and Grandchildren here last wek as it was half term.

    I had been reading all your postings and I wish all those with health issues - recovery and better health and those with inclement weather better weather to come.

    Have a good week all

  • Thank you for starting us off Diane.
    Annette - I am glad the storms have passed. Yes, Lindy - I saw the reports on the news too.
    I had a successful day with all my jobs yesterday so, instead of having my usual Sunday morning local walk, I took myself off to Ness Gardens on the Wirral. I strolled around for about 90 minutes. What a joy. There were still lots of snowdrops out plus crocus and daffodils. There were flowering and scented shrubs too. There was lots of birdsong. I spotted a jay quite close to me (I went early so it was quiet) Naturally I had my binoculars with me. It was obviously eyeing something up. Then it flew down from a branch, grabbed it and flew up into a tree where it started to bash it against a branch to kill it. The poor item in question was a frog!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thank you Diane

    We are not long back from a walk at the canal. It is cold but clear blue sky and glorious sunshine. Couldn't ask for more.
  • Thank you Diane for again starting us off. Trust you are storm free even if there is a snow covering. Stay warm and safe.
    Went out on buggy with dau to local shop for a paper. Really nice in the sun but a cold nip in the air.
    Like it Lindybird - after my own heart.
    Harelady - nice to have grandchildren and family around you, at least it was only for a short period and you can hand them back and get on with life.
    Let's hope OG is recovering - thoughts and prayers to all those who may be feeling off colour - get better soon.
  • We've had some beautiful sunshine, & we drove through some local villages to get to visit Sue: on the way we could see lots of daffodils opening and some people had planted up the verges with masses of crocus - so cheerful.

    Had a small lunch, & now my OH has gone off to a local club to watch the football match on big screen TV. I'm enjoying the solitude, although I think I'll get the ironing board out now!! :-))
  • Again thanks to DIANE for starting us off. I hope your weather is improving.

    This morn an outing to Glenelg by bus for exciting things like fruit, veg, bakery, bank. The bus there was a chatty one – a voice named every up-coming stop and declared if bus was stopping. “Next stop is stop 21A Anzac Hwy”, etc. The first I have had. Needless to say the return bus was the usual boring one with only the driver saying hello & goodbye. I also deposited finished library books as we can return them at any council library in state and their system sends them by courier back to origin. And no, I did not borrow any more books as I had too heavy a load of fruit & veg.

    Weather at last is pleasant – mid 20s max and not expected to rise until Sunday.

  • Good Morning. Nice that you coped with your outing, AQ, but a shame you had no way of bringing home more books. I'm relieved to hear that those high temps are going down now

    A grey Monday here, with some showers expected around the UK - I would like some here as the garden looks very dry for springtime.

    Boring HW today, so that maybe I can be lazier later in the week! Have a good week everyone.