Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2023


The moon turns new on Sunday night or Monday, depending on your location.

I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

No news from my patch, except that the competition between the two male Barred Owls has been resolved, and a female has been calling from the nest in the woods across from my front door. I hope the hawks and the owls can share the territory in peace this year.

Love to all.


    Love the story about your brother.

    ANNETTE Quentin Blake is a cartoonist and illustrator. You will find his works in many children books, inc Roald Dahl and David Walliams. Bye the way what on earth are the publishers doing by re writing some of the words in Dahl"s books.
  • Please watch this. Its on you tube. Highland Winter. It is just over 3 1/2 mins of stunning Cairngorm wildlife with beautiful relaxing music. We have know Andy for a few years. He has written a few books and been on the "One Show" as he is the best person to help locate Mountain Hares.
  • Peewit

    Yes it is Andy Howard. He has done so well since he went into the wildlife photography business. We bumped into Andy and his wife just 2 days ago and he told us she had given him a drone for Christmas and that he was going to use it to help with a video. Very impressed. Glad you like it.
  • dibnlib: That is a really lovely piece of filming. Thanks so much for drawing it to our attention. Such a lovely way to start my day! :-)

    Second load of laundry in; vacuum cleaner lurking stage right.....
  • LINDYBIRD- yes, you must see the doctor if it is bad reflux. This is what was happening to my husband and the outcome was not what we wanted. So, please persuade your brother, Heather, to go and see the doc.

    Hi all, and thanks again for Diane for starting us off.
    Thanks for all your news and what's been happening.
    Not a lot down here except went to Chest Clinic for a follow-up from Nov's visit and took blood gases. Told the consultant that I hadn't heard from Leicester yet so said he would try and find out what was happening.
  • Dibnlib - looks like a complicated jigsaw but glad you have managed to finish it. Now, as you say, on to the leggo campervan kit - happy making it up.
  • dibnlib: :Lovely video - thank you so much.
  • Thank you for the feed back on the video. We first knew Andy when he was manager of our local garden centre but with aspirations to become a wildlife photographer. He took the leap and has made a real success of what was a hobby. His books are really beautiful and he also takes people on trips to see and photograph animals in their natural habitat.......Cairngorms, Mull. and Shetland. There is a lot of hard work goes into these visits but well worth his effort, I am sure.
  • Heather - I do hope your brother can get some medical advice quickly.
    Dibnlib - beautiful video. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Annette - well done for tidying up so soon after your visitors.
    Lindy - it is indeed nice to see the daffodil. It made me walk round my garden to see what is happening. I knew I had snowdrops but I found some nice purple crocus too. The tête à têtes are nearly out but the daffodils need longer. It’s all a good sign though.
    I had a very pleasant 2 hours at a local garden centre having tea had cake with 2 friends. We had a lovely chat.
  • HEATHER – On my last overseas trip I picked up a virus on the plane. By the time the coach tour reached Munich, I was a coughing mess. Checking my pocket guide I found helpful phrases such as “I am pregnant” “I have AIDS”. Helpful? No! I called on my sparse Deutsch and found a Chemist? Pharmacy? in city centre. I walked in saying “Ich bin krank” (I’m sick) tapping my chest. The girl replied “You need a decongestant.” I should have known they would speak & understand English in a major city cluttered with tourists.

    DIBNLIB – Thank you for Highland Winter. I wonder if it is the same photographer as “Scotland’s Wild Year” which we had on TV recently. One episode for each season.

    Earlier I watched “World’s Most Beautiful Landscapes” – Snowdonia. It began with Harlech Castle. I enjoyed the episode (I didn’t see RUSTY!) and it prompted me to search a top cupboard for my jigsaw of the Castle. It must be 70 years old (the jigsaw, not the castle LOL) as it was the only jigsaw I had as a child and every few months I would make it up again. It claims “over 400 pieces” so I shall give it to Miss11 who is already managing 500.

    Another hot day. I was out weeding at 7 am before the blazing heat. I misjudged my baking day – later I am making chicken pie for tea & freezer. Rather hard to choose a day when temps are over 35 C all week. <sigh>