Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2023


The moon turns new on Sunday night or Monday, depending on your location.

I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

No news from my patch, except that the competition between the two male Barred Owls has been resolved, and a female has been calling from the nest in the woods across from my front door. I hope the hawks and the owls can share the territory in peace this year.

Love to all.

  • Annette - there has just been quite a long article on our breakfast news programme about your weather. It said you had been warned against all but essential travel and showed some snowy hills and rainy freeways. Hunker down and stay safe. It mentioned those of you further east too Diane. I trust you are warm and safe.
    AQ - what a contrast to your weather. Ugh!! Humidity. Horrid. I hope that has gone now.
    As Lindy says, it is colder here -currently about 3 degrees C. In fact the milk on the doorstep this morning was colder than the milk in the fridge!! (Yes. I still have a milkman who delivers lovely glass bottles)
    After a nice lunch out at a local garden centre yesterday with some former colleagues. I am staying in today to do lots of little jobs around the house and garden. It’s amazing how they accumulate isn’t it? It doesn’t seem long since I worked my way through another “to do” list.
    I hope everyone has a good weekend keeping warm or cool whichever is most appropriate!
  • "Can't remember if I posted this already"

    CHOL:):) Hubby roared, he said he thought he was the only one.

    Tis a nightmare!!!!! For me doh!

    As others say, wishing you all a good weekend wherever you are, keep safe in all the various Temperatures.

  • Like your snowdrop avatar, SunnyKate. Glad I made your OH laugh!!

    The sun is trying to come out here, and the birds are all very vocal today.

    Yesterday we had some neighbours round for drinks (sherry for us ladies, very British!) and we all put the world to rights. Dug out some shortbread left over from the Christmas season, and some small cakes. Much laughter as our elderly neighbours described their younger days, riding a motorbike & sidecar, where she stayed dry in the awful British summer!