Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2023


The moon turns new on Sunday night or Monday, depending on your location.

I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

No news from my patch, except that the competition between the two male Barred Owls has been resolved, and a female has been calling from the nest in the woods across from my front door. I hope the hawks and the owls can share the territory in peace this year.

Love to all.

  • Morning all:  Clean house!  Bliss!  

    Saw video on BBC World News of Kate having a hard time dislodging her pancakes yesterday.  Pancakes are a common and popular breakfast item here (every day could be pancake day - no tossing involved).  :-)

    Looks like the worst of the current storm might pass just north of Diane, but not so sure that bjane will escape it.   We've had fierce winds here overnight ahead of a 'significant' winter storm that could dump snow as low as 1,000 feet (that means the hills behind us!)  Meanwhile, Arizona appendages report the goat's house and one of the horse shelters were damaged by the overnight winds there.  

    Enjoy golf and various routines today everyone.    

  • I love pancakes too, and had 4, mind you they were small ones - with lemon and sugar the traditional way. Put some in the freezer to have another day. Its a pity we mostly only have them on Shrove Tuesday but I like to keep to that tradition.
    As to speaking another language when visiting a different country, I like to learn the basics and I think the natives of that country appreciate it, that you've taken the time to learn a few words. My only two are Greek and French but better the two than none at all. I hate it when Brits say they shouldn't have to try and speak the language of the country they are visiting and expect all to speak English.
    Annette - looks like you are still experiencing winter storms, hopefully ours have mostly passed but who knows what's in store.
    Does anyone know how to get the live webcam up for Loch Garten - the bird feeder one. I have tried but keep getting the message its a private video.
  • ANNETTE: I hope you will stay safe, as well as your family. Sorry about their damage. I'm ok. It's weirdly warm here. We got the Mardi Gras warmth from the south. We are under watchs for severe thunderstorms and high winds later. It has stormed all night and morning. I think bjane is under a full-blown warning for a nasty ice storm, so I hope she'll be alright. Keep the power on, bjane!
  • DIBNLIB - Am I correct in thinking that Treetops was where our late Queen heard that her father had died?
  • There are some extremes of weather going on in our different parts of the world. I hope everyone stays warm or cool whichever you need. Also, those who may be in a storm, keep safe.
    Dibnlib - you have been to some amazing places. Such famous names. I am sure I have seen some of them on TV nature programmes.
    Well, I played my golf competition. It was cold and windy but mostly dry. Some ladies decided not to go out at all because of the weather, but, having made the effort, I went out with 2 lovely ladies. The field was not that big but I was rather chuffed to come 2nd!!! Just as we finished, there was a short hailstorm!! I have signed up for the next 2 Wednesdays!!
  • The bird feeder cam is down because works are taking place in the area. Fergus has promised that it will be put back as soon as possible.
  • Pat - such a shame you can’t play golf at a time to suit you. We ladies have, on Wednesdays, a slot for the competition between 9 and 9,30 for those who like to go out early, Most of us go out from 11 to 12.30.There is a late afternoon slot too for the workers. We also have competitions at weekends so most ladies are catered for. I don’t play with the same people all the time. I just sign up at a time to suit me and play with whoever puts their name next to mine. We sign up on line now on a site called How Did I Do. The competition results come on that too.
  • Rusty - Well done! Obviously your winter lay-off hasn't done you any harm. It would be great to go out at 9.00am - I could still get home with most of an afternoon available for other things. But because the course is always so busy the competitions go out at set tee times between 11.00am and mid-day. They do have competitions on a Saturday morning but mostly they are on Sundays - which rules me out as I have other commitments on a Sunday. Perhaps I should just look around for another club ... so many clubs have closed near me and it seems that - apart from the one I have played at for years - most of them are very expensive, very steep and therefore very out of my comfort zone!
  • Good Morning. A bright start here but it's cold outside, again. I hope everyone on here from the USA can keep safe in the present bad weather.

    Rusty, well done on your successful golf day - you must be determined ladies!! My OH also uses How Did I Do to sort out his bookings and finds it a huge help. It was one of the things which transformed him from a technophobe to a confident smartphone user!
  • It's HOT. Today max 40 C, same again tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to another sleepless night - expecting min of 28 C.