Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

I was sitting on my porch last night, and I saw an ant crawl lethargically across the floor. It was the first one I'd seen since last autumn. I was glad to welcome the little fella. A few minutes later, I smelled a ghastly awful odor. It was the skunk, and it must have been close to the house! The hibernating creatures are beginning to stir here!

The skunk must have woke up in a bad mood, because it had sprayed some unfortunate critter with the full force of its stench accumulated over the winter. My eyes were watering, but my heart was joyful.

Some years, February can be the most savage of our winter, but the forecasts are saying that it will be milder than usual this year. The days have been warmer this past week, and we had sunshine! We don't have any beautiful flowers yet, like Lindy posted, but I was so happy to see (and smell) the first hints of spring!

Love to all!

  • Huh. Just saw that Nicola Sturgeon is stepping down. Not sure if that's good or bad for you folks north of the border, but she seemed pretty indefatigable from here.
  • Annette - I would be happy to offer one of your Dustbusters a new home ... but I'm sure you will find a use for all of them. Nicola Sturgeon certainly knows how to make a surprise announcement! There was a bit of a hint of the NZ PM in her speech - but it's so healthy to hear someone say things are too much and they are making room for someone else who may have more energy or the right attitude. Usually they just bumble on (we have at least a couple of examples in UK from recent times ...!!!) and bring even more chaos.

    Went to Standen earlier today, and to Hever on Monday, both to look at snowdrops. They are pretty good this year (although I think my friend's garden is better!) and every one reminds me of my sister, whose birthday flower was snowdrops. Each one looks like a smile from her. I think we are in for some wet weather soon, so glad we made the most of the sunshine.

    Good to see OG posting, even if only briefly. Thinking of you, OG and EE, and hope things get back on an even keel soon.
  • Pat, that's such a lovely thought, that your sister is smiling through the snowdrops. Ours in the garden are at their best right now. We have only had a couple of small showers recently, so the flowers are still gleaming white and not spoilt by the earth splattering them. Some of them were here when my mother moved into the house in 1992, and she loved them so much that she planted some more, in several varieties, some of which have quite large heads. I think of her, naturally, when I gaze at the garden at this time of year.

    Annette, thank you for the good laugh about your dustbuster! I'm sure you'll find all of them useful ......

    My OH took me out for a nice Italian lunch, as we didn't want to go anywhere last night to celebrate Valentine's. I said that everywhere would be crowded, and indeed our waiter said that it had been 'mad last night'. However, when we went into the restaurant today, we found only two other, single diners, and they both left within ten minutes! Rather lacking in atmosphere after that, although I had a delicious pasta dish. No room for dessert.

  • OG - Lovely to see you. Drop by when you can but do take care & recover. I have been sending healing thoughts & prayers.

    ANNETTE - Great that you will now have the cleanest house on the block. . . in the suburb? LOL

    ALL – Hello. More chatter from me another day.

    Temp is now (4.15 pm) 39 C, humidity 10%. I went on Community Bus to favourite shops this morn for chemist (major reason) & 2 shop bags worth. Pickup at 9.15, plenty of time for shopping 1¾ hours, didn't get home till 12.30 pm - next time I'll take a book or knitting!!! 10 ladies collected, 2 with walkers, one 93 year old. It was very hot. My supermarket does home delivery if I fill a trolley and tell at checkout, 2 hour delivery window. So I can do a big shop on community bus day rather than bother Dau. No online deliveries apparently from this particular store. WW website locked my computer so they are not favoured.

  • Goodness, that sounds so hot, AQ. I hope the bus had good air con. At least you can get there & back, although it must be frustrating that it takes so long. We can get supermarket deliveries here but some of them have a minimum spend- also, of course they charge for delivery.

    It's dry here but cold - at 8 degrees it's quite warm for February but maybe my old bones are getting fussy about it now. Hoping for a dry day although there is some rain about. Must get 5 minutes in the garden so I can post a picture of our carpet of snowdrops.
  • Annette: Much shock & debate here about Nicola Sturgeons sudden resignation. She had really polarised her nation. It will be interesting to see who inherits power, and how much of her 'woke' campaign is to be quietly dropped now.
  • Hello all
    I really don't know why NS has resigned so abruptly, I guess more will come out. I'm not a fan of independence, though.
    ANNETTE - Callum and his girlfriend of five years split up recently. Both of them very upset - she went back to her parents home and Callum has stayed in the rented apartment. He has no choice as his Mum's house has only two bedrooms. Speaking of which - no, she didn't move house. The neighbour and the dog have been quieter of late. She used to have carers twice a day, then as soon as they left in the morning she discarded the walking sticks and jumped into her (Motability)car and drove off. I suppose she was found out ??
    Son and shop are doing OK. Lockdown was difficult but he had a fantastic Christmas season. Quiet in January and still a little quiet but all retailers are the same at this time of year.
    ROSY - lovely to hear from you. You seem to have made a good decision moving to the retirement complex. What a lot of work you've had but it sounds as if it is nearly over.
    PAT, LINDY,RUSTY - I have one small snowdrop plant in the gravel underneath the sitting room window. I thought it would spread but obviously not !
    AQ - as LINDY said, we can get shopping delivered if we order
    online. I have done it a couple of times but wasn't happy with the quality of the fresh fruit and veg.
    OG - good to hear from you. Just focus ( as you will be ) on getting better.
    Now I've run out of steam. I know that later on, I'll remember what I intended to say :-(
    Regards to ALL
  • I've remembered (!) that RUSTY asked whether we got yearly check ups in the rest of the UK. In the dim and distant past my GP practice had a Well Woman clinic and a Well Man clinic. Usually done by the practice nurse. Questions, blood pressure, blood samples etc.
  • We switched on the car radio yesterday and it was Jeremy Vine. We didn't catch the start but I thought I got the gist that NS was resigning. OH disagreed!!! Not a fan of our First Minister or Independence. Having said that I do think she was one of only a few MPs who would answer questions and not skirt round them.

    Not at my best today as I had a molar extracted this morning. It has been on its last legs for years so no surprise. We were invited to a birthday coffee and cake party for a friend who is 93 today but OH had to go on his own.
  • Morning all:

    Heather:  Awww. Those 'first-love' breakups are awful; actually breakups typically aren't wonderful any time...   Good daughter's neighbor is quieter and I hope the neighbor did get found out.  There aren't enough social service funds for all the truly needy without able-bodied people scamming the system.  Grrrrr.   Hurray for a better business climate for your son.  :-)

    Rusty:  We get reminders and e-mails (from Medicare - the over-65 health plan) reminding us about annual check ups, flu shots, etc.

    AQ  I like the idea of shopping but having the store deliver what you chose. We have Instacart (and yes there's a charge), but when it comes to fruit and produce, I like to see and touch the merchandise myself.  Awful floods in NZ!   What is the WW website that locked your computer?    Our plumeria look like Halloween characters after I slipped black and white trash bags over their limbs last evening; it got below freezing last night.  

    Busy morning here:  Off and about with daughter and dog (who is getting her first Meet and Greet with new vet; then flying visit to horses at the therapeutic facility (mostly to deliver pastries and gift card to manager who has been very helpful), then visit to local Flea Market (held on Thursday mornings).  I managed to get hair cut appointment this afternoon and then still have to squeeze in Major Food shop as Arizona contingent and local grandson and fiance due here Saturday.    Oh and here's something from UK niece.