Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

I was sitting on my porch last night, and I saw an ant crawl lethargically across the floor. It was the first one I'd seen since last autumn. I was glad to welcome the little fella. A few minutes later, I smelled a ghastly awful odor. It was the skunk, and it must have been close to the house! The hibernating creatures are beginning to stir here!

The skunk must have woke up in a bad mood, because it had sprayed some unfortunate critter with the full force of its stench accumulated over the winter. My eyes were watering, but my heart was joyful.

Some years, February can be the most savage of our winter, but the forecasts are saying that it will be milder than usual this year. The days have been warmer this past week, and we had sunshine! We don't have any beautiful flowers yet, like Lindy posted, but I was so happy to see (and smell) the first hints of spring!

Love to all!

  • Diane:  Oh right.  Indiana.  Sorry 'bout that.    I was listening to NPR the last couple of days and both times folks were talking about all the 'innocent' balloons (weather, atmospheric/scientific research, etc.) that the U.S. sends up (sometimes a  hundred launched a day).   And those missiles?  They are $600,000 a pop.  Hope we're not shooting down (or worse, missing) weather balloons with them.  We had a red balloon land in the bushes behind the house this week; had "Happy Birthday!" written all over it.  Now there's a sneaky disguise.  :-))

  • ANNETTE: Those Happy Birthday UFOs are the most dangerous ones!!!
  • Good Morning. Bright sun coming up here, in spite of wet weather forecast.

    Have enjoyed reading all the posts. Rosy: great to hear from you, and I'm so pleased to hear that things are working out for you - your new situation sounds ideal for you both. Pop in now and then and let us know how you're getting on.

    Annette & Diane - at least the UFO stories have given us something to laugh about, which we sorely need at present. Diane, sorry you've got to hang on for your situation to improve. Not long now, though.

    Gorgeous snowdrops, Rusty. Glad you stopped lurking! I'm sure that others read these pages and could also join in: it doesn't have to be every day. The more of us the merrier!

    Also thinking of OG and EE every day, and hoping that things are getting better there in Dumfries.
  • I made mince (meat) pie today; enough for 3 meals, so a start to replenish freezer. I picked 9 tomatoes today. Three were actually tomato-sized instead of the usual plum- size. One plant has gone to plant heaven and I covered the other with an old sheet as our max was 35 C & hotter tomorrow. There is a soccer ball in the corner behind the tomato plant. I shall not “see” it for a few days and we shall have some peace from Grand Design Brat kicking it against the fence.
  • Hello on what appears to be Wednesday morning. Thank you for all the kind thoughts and messages. To those who have emailed me, sorry I have not replied, but have appreciated hearing from you. It is taking a long time for me to find myself here at home - but I do seem to be slowly getting better .
  • Good to hear that, OG - and to hear from you. You just concentrate on yourself, for now {{HUGS}}
  • Rosy - good to hear from you. The move to the retirement facility sounds to have been the right thing to do especially for your OH. It sounds as if you are settling in. It’s a good idea to go for coffee and get to know people.

    Annette - the topiary yew hedges at Chirk are very famous. They are 130 years old apparently.

    I am glad you got the all clear from the doctor. Annual physicals don’t seem to exist here in Wales. I certainly haven’t been offered one and I am over 70. What about in England or Scotland for those of you who live there?

    I am glad you could chuckle over the UFOs. Certainly the last 3 don’t seem to have been dangerous.

    Diane - the cost of the missiles was mentioned on our news (or was it the World Service?)

    What a brave decision you have made in regards to waiting for your Social Security. I retired one year before state pension age but I had a work pension which kept me going. Not long until the summer now so that you can draw yours.

    AQ - well done with the cooking and your start to replenish the freezer.

    OG - good to hear from you. As Lindy says. We are thinking of you and EE, so just come on when you feel up to it and even then you don’t need to write much.

    Here is a more illustrative photo of the topiary at Chirk Castle.

  • OG Nice to hear that you are feeling a little better.
  • Loved the Chirk Castle pictures, especially the topiary!
    OG and EE - so happy and relieved to hear from you!
    Diane - you will not regret waiting to take your Social Security. They will not be making any cuts to SS
    in the near future. Even the MAGA crowd knows better....
  • Rusty:  Wow.  Those topiary (couldn't remember the term last time round) hedges are truly impressive.  

    OG:  So good to hear from you and yes, it is indeed Wednesday.  :-)

    AQ: I was sorting out old sheets/plastic drop-cloths yesterday to possibly put over our Plumerias given nighttime temps could get close to freezing tonight. 

    Diane:  Those Happy Birthday UFOs are really bad when they land in the ocean (plastic waste and all that), which had me wondering that If What Goes up must come down, what happens to all those weather, etc., balloons we send up?  Doubt they're compostable or even recyclable.  :-(

    I can't remember if I mentioned the hand-vacuum bonanza.  We have an 8-year-old Dustbuster that started cutting out after 30 seconds or so in spite of being fully charged.  I assumed it was on it's last legs but sent an e-mail to the manufacturer asking if there was something I could do to save it.  Got an auto reply saying we've passed on your question to the appropriate person, etc...  No biggie; didn't think much more about it.  Last Saturday, local church had a rummage sale and there, complete with charger, etc. was an identical Dustbuster - for only $10!!  Snagged that, feeling very pleased with myself.  Then a few days later, got an e-mail from Dustbuster folks saying We're sending you a new one (which I didn't ask for or even hint at.), which arrived yesterday, so now there are three.  We should have the cleanest house with all that, but no....

    Anyway, take care everyone.