Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

I was sitting on my porch last night, and I saw an ant crawl lethargically across the floor. It was the first one I'd seen since last autumn. I was glad to welcome the little fella. A few minutes later, I smelled a ghastly awful odor. It was the skunk, and it must have been close to the house! The hibernating creatures are beginning to stir here!

The skunk must have woke up in a bad mood, because it had sprayed some unfortunate critter with the full force of its stench accumulated over the winter. My eyes were watering, but my heart was joyful.

Some years, February can be the most savage of our winter, but the forecasts are saying that it will be milder than usual this year. The days have been warmer this past week, and we had sunshine! We don't have any beautiful flowers yet, like Lindy posted, but I was so happy to see (and smell) the first hints of spring!

Love to all!

  • Oh, we went to a Garden Centre yesterday for a warming coffee and to get some seed potatoes to start off ready to plant out later. I bought bird peanuts etc. as I'm enjoying watching our little garden visitors every day.

  • DIANE – Thank you for starting our new week.

    OG - I hope you are home and recovering well. {{{HUGGS}}}

    I bussed to not-so great shops this morn to top up broccoli, cauli & bread. I collected a few books from nearby library.

  • Well another week started - thanks Diane and lovely to hear about your wildlife coming out of hibernation. Yes, let's hope February is kinder to us. Been lovely the past few days, somewhat cloudy but also sunny,

    Hope OG is recovering well and a big thanks to EE for his continued care.

    Been for annual checkup to dentist today , clean bill of health , and have booked for next year. Just got nurses's appointment tomorrow, hair on Wed and hospital followup on Thursday. All go, but have to fit in with dau who can run me to these appointments whilst on half-term break.

    Treating us both to a Valentine's meal for 2 courtesy of Morrisons, tomorrow.
  • Good that you managed to be mobile AQ. Enjoy your books, if you can cope with a little reading.

    Lynette: you've got a busy week but at least you'll be able to cross a lot of appointments off your list. Enjoy your meal tomorrow.

    The sun has indeed come out here, now, & I have some sheets on the line. Small things make the day go well. My OH, on the other hand, has spent the best part of two hours trying to get various people on the phone in order to sort out some queries about bills we've had. <sigh> One of the answering machines just locked him out saying "We have to block your request because you've already had three attempts to enter. Try again in 60 minutes!"
  • A quote which I saw today:

    The Pessimist complains about the wind.
    The Optimist expects it to change.
    The Realist adjusts the sails.

    William A. Ward.
  • Oh Lindy. I hate these automated phone lines and the “music” they play you whilst you are waiting. Your OH must have been so frustrated. Glad you got the sheets on the line. They are much nicer if they have dried outside in my opinion. You must be pleased to have got your seed potatoes. A friend of mine went for hers on Saturday. It must be the time.
    Lynnette - what a lot of appointments. As Lindy says, at least you will get them all out of the way. Good news re the dentists. I hope the rest go well.
    AQ - sorry the shops the bus goes to aren’t wonderful. At least you could stock up with the basics and get some library books.
    I met my sister and her 4 year old grandson this morning and we had a lovely walk on the English side of the Dee estuary. We “discovered” things like a cattle grid and a building that looked a bit like a small castle. Such fun. We also counted sheep. Fortunately there weren’t enough to send us to sleep!! We had a flapjack and a drink at a nice cafe.
  • Cirrus: So wonderful to see you posting on this thread lately.

    Lovely of you to make sure the spiders get the water they need. I absolutely agree with you about the excess chlorine in the tap water. The water company here adds way too much of it to the local water supply. I can certainly smell it, too. It's noxious.

    Hope all is well in your life. Best to you.
  • So nice to see new folks posting here. I have neglected to welcome you. Lovely to see Peewit and also JillR who posted a while back. Of course, Rusty has now become a treasured regular. I love to read about your adventures, Rusty.

    I haven't seen a post from Clare for a while. I hope you and Limpy are okay, Clare.

  • HEATHER: I thought of you this morning. I woke up shaking with my stomach in a knot. I was in terror because I'd been having a nightmare about missing a deadline on a critical freelance editing project. I wouldn't get paid and my client would never hire me again. Of course, it was all a dream. I swear it took me 10 minutes to convince myself that there is no current freelance project and to quell my panic. I remembered you posting about your dream of being late for work and panicking about the conditions in your ward. I can certainly empathize with you. I hope your sleep will improve.  

    HARELADY: I hope you are sleeping better, too. 

    Hello to everyone.

  • Good Morning. Hello to you, too, Diane. And a Happy Valentines Day to All!

    There is not enough love in the world...

    I dreamt that I needed to buy something but had to trail around many places in search of it, when there were other things waiting to be done at home. Quite often a reality for me!

    Its very cold again this morning, with mists across the fields giving a ghostly appearance and long wisps of pinkness in the clouds making it pretty.