Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week!

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for me. We did indeed have polar vortex cold in my area last week, but I'm okay. I should be able to feel my toes by June. LOL! Hope bjane is alright.

The male red cardinal comes every night just before it's completely dark, and he gets a wasp from the nest in my porch window. You could set your watch by him. I think the protein has helped him survive the extreme cold. I hope he shares with his mate. I think he's getting low on wasps, so the next time I walk to town, I'm going to try to get him a bag of sunflower seeds. I hope the little general store has them.

Friday was the exact mid-point day between the winter  solstice and the spring equinox, and I'm hoping for an early spring. Sunday is the full moon in the UK and the US.

Hugs to all of you who are facing adversity. I am also having trouble sleeping, and my dreams have been wild. Love to all.

  • Heather - how lovely to see your family 2 days running. Hope you enjoyed today.
    Lindy - I hope your OH’s back feels better soon. I know what you mean about thinking we can keep doing the same things we did twenty years ago!
    I suddenly decided to hop on the bus with my bus pass and have a mooch round the market in my local town this morning. I was off early and am back now. It’s not far and the buses are every 30 minutes. There is such a nice atmosphere at the market and I always bump into someone I know. I bought 2 greetings cards and a muffin for this afternoon. (Last of the big spenders!!!!)
    Can’t help thinking of OG and hoping she had a good night.
  • SunnyKate:  Well the quote from Edvard Munch explains a lot (think The Scream).  (Nice to see you)

    Rusty:  Well I have to blame you for a major diversion into Watford's history. :-))   Grew up there in the 50s; left in the early 60s.  There used to be a Saturday market behind Cawdell's Department store in Watford; we'd go and bump into all kinds of people we knew.  Were they the good old days?   I remember them as if the sun shone all the time; life seemed so carefree....  

    Heather:  That sounds like a nice routine with daughters. Did you stop for a coffee and treat somewhere.  

    I also hope OG is back at home and comfy.

  • OH now settled down to watch the Scotland V Wales 6 nations match. At least we are on the same side today whereas last weekend we were on opposing sides!!
  • Sorry about your diversion Annette. It actually sounds as if you enjoyed reminiscing. The market in my town is held every Wednesday and Saturday. It is held in the high street (traffic is stopped for the day) and a square nearby. It is very popular. Coach tours come sometimes!!! There are food stalls - cheese, vegetables, bread, cakes, meat and my favourite French bakery stall!! The people are French and their bread and cakes are the sort you find in France. There are stalls for shoes and slippers, clothes (only one stall), Welsh goods (pottery etc), a linen stall and 2 plant stalls which are extremely popular. People get their bedding plants there - much cheaper than garden centres. Next time I go, I will take some photos. It is true that I don’t think I have ever been there and not met at least one person I know. Usually it is more. All the coffee shops in town do a roaring trade on those days.
  • Lots to read today!

    We've been busy- It's my OHs sisters 80th Birthday and we celebrated by having a big lunch for ten in a local pub. A very noisy crowd, considering our average ages, LOL!! I would have loved to put some pics on here, but don't want to invade anyone's privacy. Her daughter brought some huge figure "8" and "0" balloons, and I brought some covered with hearts. We all ate two courses and drank prosecco and white wine. We arrived at 1.00pm and finally wended our way home at 4.25!!
  • We have a craft and food market here, once a month. There have been bitter battles in the press about this, as our tiny town has many people living in the narrow streets in the centre, and they are awoken early on a Sunday by the noisy sound of the stalls being set up, whilst there is no traffic allowed for most of the day. The market brings in many from surrounding towns and is good for trade. Its very popular.

    We sometimes go, but I try not to go every month as I end up buying things I didn't know I needed!