Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2023


I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful week!

Thanks to everyone who expressed concern for me. We did indeed have polar vortex cold in my area last week, but I'm okay. I should be able to feel my toes by June. LOL! Hope bjane is alright.

The male red cardinal comes every night just before it's completely dark, and he gets a wasp from the nest in my porch window. You could set your watch by him. I think the protein has helped him survive the extreme cold. I hope he shares with his mate. I think he's getting low on wasps, so the next time I walk to town, I'm going to try to get him a bag of sunflower seeds. I hope the little general store has them.

Friday was the exact mid-point day between the winter  solstice and the spring equinox, and I'm hoping for an early spring. Sunday is the full moon in the UK and the US.

Hugs to all of you who are facing adversity. I am also having trouble sleeping, and my dreams have been wild. Love to all.

  • DIANE – Thank you again. Glad you (& your wild friends) are surviving the weather.

    ANNETTE – Belated Happy Birthday. Restaurants “need” noise because young people prefer that. It is not the ambiance that suits me.

    Dau#2 & Co dropped in briefly this arvo, checking up on me!

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off. Glad the red cardinal is surviving the winter thanks to your wasps.
    Lindy - I must have seen similar shooting towers to you in Malta. They were on a slope facing south looking towards Africa. Exactly where the birds would be coming from. I was incredulous. I too said I would never go back.
    There is a lovely sunrise this morning.
  • Happy new week to you   too Diane and so  glad to know you  and Mr Cardinal are safe. Weather wars are just the pits. It's time we put the  HAARP arrays to good use.

  • Thank you DIANE for starting the week. I won't describe most of my dreams but last night's was ridiculous !
    I was running late for my scheduled shift at the hospital due to some men arriving unexpectedly, to renew my tarmac driveway. (!) Suddenly, I realised the time. For the life of me I couldn't recall the hospital phone number. An hour had passed and things were getting worse. I woke up in a sheer panic with horrible anxiety symptoms. I honestly thought that everything was true. I needed to go to the bathroom and still thought I was late for work and what state would the ward be in? It took a wee while to convince myself that I am heading for 80 years of age and had been retired for lots of years !! Oh dear...
  • Good Morning from a groggy me - another who had a bad night last night. Not bad dreams, just a brain that wouldn't sleep.

    Heather, that was a scary one!

    Thank You to Diane. I hope you're warming up now after your chilly spell. Wish I could see your colourful birds.

    We had a light frost last night but the sun is out brightly now. I must get dressed and go & tidy up the garden.
  • ANNETTE - Belated birthday wishes! It sounds as if you've had a lovely time and more to come :-) I hate noisy restaurants, have a few bad memories of similar.
  • DIANE thank you for starting the week.

    ANNETTE I also forgot your birthday so belated good wishes.
  • Did get some gardening and tidying done, as it's stayed bright. My OH fetched me buckets to put my pruning into, and helped to keep Bonnie amused as she decided that today, she would help by getting underfoot everywhere I went!

  • Lindy - glad you got some gardening done. It has been a very pleasant day. I got 2 more fence panels painted. It’s a nice feeling to achieve something positive in the garden isn’t it?