Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • ANNETTE: Saturday, 4 February, there will be a Celebration of Life event for P-22, the much beloved wild mountain lion who died. You can watch it live online here (I assume anyone else can, too).

  • Diane: Thanks for the info on P-22. I'll take a look if I'm around.
  • Good Morning. No weather here! Apparently, its the last mild day before the chill comes back tomorrow.

    Interesting about the radioactive capsule, AQ. Someone must have been on the carpet for losng it in the 1st place! Enjoyed the quotes!

    I dreamt about getting married, and being late for the ceremony. (I wasn't in real life). Dreams are certainly strange. I read somewhere that if you're plagued with repetitive nightmares, you should turn it around during your waking hours -- for instance if you have lions coming towards you, think of them changing into cute kittens instead. If you're helplessly falling in your dream, turn it into a lovely balloon ride.

  • I heard on the WS last night that the polar vortex was giving temps of minus 41c in northeast US .. Hope that DIANE is OK...Or was it in one of my strange dreams, which seem so real when I wake with a start ?!

  • Gosh. All these weird dreams. Hope everyone has recovered from them.
    I had decided to paint a couple more fence panels this morning but it seems to be drizzling lightly ( what a shame - ha ha!!!) I will do my homework for the French group on Monday instead. It is reading about the French love of hunting (La Chasse) . I expect I will get all worked up and upset!!
  • ANNETTE - I must have been half asleep yesterday - sorry I forgot your birthday - Hope you had a lovely time!
  • Yes, Heather. Diane has posted on FBook that they are being warned of a polar vortex. Hope she will be able to keep warm.

    It's certainly colder here then it was when I popped out to the shops this morning. Don't think that we'll get Diane's grim temps, though.

    We have signs of life in our snowdrops in the garden, they're beginning to peep out from their green leaves and it won't be long before we have a carpet of them. Also, after a couple of warm nights, we have some bright blue miniature iris opening in a tub. Spring!! (Well, nearly)
  • Goodness, have we missed Annette's birthday? I do wish I hadn't lost my list, where I had everyone in date order through the year.

    Happy Belated Birthday, Annette - I hope your OH took you out to somewhere nice.
  • Oh gosh, I saw that post but had forgotten ! Silly me.
  • Morning all:   Yes, nice birthday thank you complete with flowers, cards, lovely texts and calls from family members far and wide.  OH took me out to dinner Thursday evening - to our favorite fish restaurant where the pre-Covid menu was back in full force and the staff too.  Food was lovely, service was great, but oh the noise of people talking loudly to be heard over other people talking loudly.  We've always avoided the 'busy' dine-out nights (Thursdays through Saturdays) but bday was on Friday so we went Thursday. We scoped out possibly quieter seat locations for future outings. Daughter, Grandkids plus Ms. D and grandson's fiance will at our house in a couple of weekends for late celebration for me and early celebration for Ms. D who turns 12 in March.  Argh.

    Lindybird:  Hadn't heard of handling recurrent bad dreams that way.  If I have any, I don't remember them.

    AQ:  They were lucky they found that capsule so early in the search.  

    Yes, very nasty weather for Diane and bjane.  :-(  WIsh I could send our sunshine.

    Off to work in garden today.  Take care everyone.