Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • Morning all

    aquilareen said:
    My eye is slightly less sore – it feels like I have been in a duststorm. But it is only 4 days.

    AQ. I have regular Monthly injections into my eye,  and have been advised I can use

    'VISCOTEARS' Gel ,


    as that awful gritty feeling is sooooo annoying.. Obviously your medical Team will advise if you allowed to use.For me personally tis a life saver.

    As always good to read of everyones posts.and pleased January behind us, Yay!!!


  • Shopping day Wednesday worked out okay – some light rain but no problem. Less so with the traffic – too many roadworks all at the same time – for example diversions diverted onto roads with works and traffic control! J still didn’t get to work this week – he tried going into town to post an urgent official letter yesterday and had difficulty breathing while walking. He sounds a bit better this morning and will confirm his return for Monday – has had some extra days added into next week – they must be desperate.

    AQ – good to see there is a convenient bus service just where you want it! I have Hylo-Forte for my gritty eyes (had them since before the cataracts, but of course your surgery this time was more serious.

    DIBNLIB – cheering to have a garden visit from the Squirrel. Unfortunately, there are cases of S Pox among the Reds near here.

    HEATHER – sorry to see sleep is even more of a problem for you!

    HARELADY – you too, re sleep. Sorry you are having to worry about family.

    PEEWIT – welcome to the Chat! Are you in the UK, or one (or should be two!) of our overseas friends? I am ex-English but now belong to south-west Scotland.

    Seems a “no weather” day today – mist hanging about down the road, but not here – no rain, no breeze, no sun.
  • Peewit - Welcome to the chat. I guessed you were Scottish because you said you “stayed” in Pembrokeshire meaning you lived there. My Scottish cousin used to say that too.
    OG - glad the shopping expedition went OK. I find there are roadworks everywhere at the moment with lots of temporary traffic lights. Fortunately, I haven’t actually had a diversion for a while. I hope J gets back to work on Monday. I think these coughs are very prevalent at the moment. I still have mine!! It’s not making me feel ill fortunately.
    AQ - I hope your eyes continue to improve. It must be awful to have sore eyes.
    I have had a lovely morning. I met my sister for coffee and we had a really good chat. We met at a big store half way between the 2 of us. She told me about the plans she has for her upcoming “big birthday”
  • Hello Peewit. I too was born in Edinburgh but have lived as far north as Shetland and as far south as Bucks. We have now been settled in Culloden for 27 years.

    OG Do hope J is fit enough for work next week.
  • Hello, everyone - and welcome, Peewit. Sorry I haven't been around for a while, but I have been reading everyone's messages.

    Sympathy with the band struggling with sleep. Me too - it's been a problem for most of my life but seems to be particularly bad at the moment. Thank goodness for World Service! Don't get the vivid dreams mentioned, though.

    I've just got back from visiting my brother in law. It would have been my sister's birthday yesterday so we decided to spend the day together and do things that would have made her smile. Not sure we succeeded - shopping at Asda, looking at some photographs of my sister and me growing up, many of which he hadn't seen, then the afternoon picking up my great-nephew from school and a few very noisy hours with him ... can someone please tell me where a six year old hides his volume control??!? All the above would, I'm sure, have made my sister smile - she smiled at just about everything! Can't believe it's eight weeks tomorrow since she died ...

    OG - Sympathise about the road works - they seem to be everywhere, and most of them not being attended to ... grrrr! However, we need more - the pothole situation locally is way beyond a joke ... some of them are really deep and huge, and unavoidable, so you either drive over them at a 'normal' speed and risk damage to your tyres and suspension, or you slow down to a crawl and annoy other road users. And there aren't just one or two - on one stretch of road near here there is about a hundred yards of complete carnage - not a smooth bit of road anywhere, in both directions. Not only extremely annoying, but also extremely dangerous. I know other parts of the country are suffering much the same ... why aren't they being dealt with???? Sorry - end of rant - that's what comes of just getting home after 140 mile drive! Although most of it was on motorways so they weren't too bad - until I got almost home and had to go on the above-mentioned stretch. Right - now I really have finished! :)
  • Don't get me started on the pothole situation, Pat!!! We have some whoppers around here. I was moaning about them on Monday, then when I went into our town on Wednesday, I found lots of the main ones had been repaired on one road --- but right next to them, the shallower ones only inches away, were being ignored. So in a matter of weeks, when those are worse, they'll have to return and fill them in, too!

    Peewit - Nice to hear about you. Everyone is friendly on here.

    I've had a horrible day and won't bore you with it.

    I hope that AQ continues to heal. I use eye drops every day for "dry eyes" which sometimes makes them feel gritty.
  • Thanks to ALL for comments & suggestions re gritty eye. Eye Doc has me taking 2 kinds of drops, 4 times a day. I have drawn up a chart to remember when!

    OG – Thurs morn is the time our Community bus goes to my favourite food shops. Alas this week it clashes with Doc appt. I expect Dau#2 to take me another day and then I shall purchase everything I can think of, plus spares.

    PEEWIT – I have had holiday visits to Victoria. I am in South Aussieland (Adelaide) near the beach & airport.  As I read posts, I enjoy imagining where everyone lives.

    PAT – As well as the volume control, I want to know where Little People store their energy so I can steal some!

    LINDA – Sorry you had a horrible day. {{{HUGS}}}

    Floodwater is beginning to recede in the Riverland (River Murray). Damage to roads by the floods is expected to take 12 months to repair. BTW the river is known as River Murray in South Aussieland, but Murray River in rest of country. Don’t ask me why.

  • We heard about the terrible floods, AQ - just awful. Sympathies with those who have suffered, or even lost everything.

    On the other hand, I had to laugh about the dangerous piece of equipment lost on the road - so small, but so deadly. It must have caused a major panic when it was realised it was missing! (It has since been found, which can't have been easy).

    One of our lovely neighbours, who has several health issues already, has been told he has incureable bowel cancer. He is 87, and says he wants no treatment, which would only prolong his life a little, and be very unpleasant. He has been told one to two years. Very sad.

    I'm full of paracetamol as I walked too far, trying to carry too much, this morning, and now my knee is painful. Bah.
  • LINDA - The lost radioactive capsule (said to be 6 mm x 8 mm) was found by a team driving along highway at 70 kph with high tech detection gear. It fell only 50 km from the start of the 1,400 km journey. Found amongst the roadside gravel.
  • Just a thought

    To keep young associate with young people. To get old in a hurry, try keeping up with them.

    The quickest way for a parent to get a child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable. (Lane Olinghouse)

    When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out. {Erma Bombeck)