Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • I like Arnuldur Inrdrudsen's books. I read all the Iceland books that I can find. I just finished Barbara Kingsolver's latest book "Demon Copperhead" All of her books are wonderful. This one is no exception. I also just finished the delightful debut novel of a new author Shelby Van Pelt called "Remarkably Bright Creatures" I highly recommend!!!
  • Annette -- We're celebrating at a popular pub in the centre of our town -- most of the participants will be able to walk to it (and back, once we've perhaps had a drink!). They have the best menu for those who want typical, traditional fare - which includes the birthday girl. Here, we have many specialist restaurants - Thai, Italian, Turkish etc. but the best value is in fact to have a British Pub menu and my OH has eaten in this particular one and pronounced it good.
  • Sue does indeed still have Toffee (named for his colour) and he loves his new home. He seems to settle in well to changes, perhaps because in his life he's had so many. Sue has become fond of him and his company, although I do think that she loved her previous dog more (he was forcibly taken from her, if you remember the story)

  • bjane:  I like most of the Scandinavian writers.  Thanks for the van Pelt recommendation; I'll take a look.  I've not read any of Kingsolver's books. I should really make a point of checking her out; I know she's very popular.  Did you ever read The Summer Book by Tove Jansson (Finnish)?  It's a very sweet story of a girl and her grandmother who spend the summer together on an island.

    Lindybird:  Oh that's a lovely photo of Toffee.  I'm glad she worked out for Sue and yes, I remember the drama of the previous dog.  Sounds like Sue has also settled down in her new place too.  Pub option a sensible one with familiar food - and close too!

    Diane/bjane:  Looks like you guys are in for some really cold temps over the next day or so......  Take care.

  • My pirate eye patch removed. Good report from eye Doc. See him again next week.
  • AQ - great news -Onwards and upwards !
  • Good Morning. Wet and dark here today. Ugh. My OH has just wrapped up to play golf. Rather him than me!

    AQ -- That's good to hear. Take care of yourself. Try to rest & relax.
  • Phone call earlier, I didn’t recognize the number, probably a scam. “Ïs that Mrs XYZ?” “Why?” Says I and hang up. Then I had a horrible thought, what if it was the hospital or doctor’s rooms phoning me.

    A few hours later another call, same number. “Ïs that Mrs XYZ? My name is mumble.” Alarm bells begin to ring. He went on to ask “When was the last time you washed your windows?”. Says I, indignantly “This morning.” What”, he says you did them yourself?” Öf course”, says I, “who else will do them.”And I hang up. OK, I know I lied, add that to my sins list.

  • Your little lie is a mild thing compared to my huge whoppers, AQ! They are many and dreadful. Also:

    Yesterday I told a man who offered to help me with "my problem with Microsoft" which I didn't know I had, that I wondered how he sleeps at night - "do you not feel you are conning a lot of people out there and your mother would be ashamed of you?" I snapped, before putting down the phone before he replied or slammed his down, too.