Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • LINDY Last weekend we only saw 1 blackbird so I didn't do the count as it wasn't what we usually see. This morning I was doing my lego kit when something caught my eye. I was the first squirrel I have seen in our garden for a few weeks. I am pleased to say we continue to see them on our walks in the woods.
  • Hello all - sorry for lack of posts, sleep has been even more elusive than usual - fed up - but am reading all your news, thank you !
  • Heather et al - just got home from work and logged in whilst the oven is heating up. (I have a combination microwave that is also a convection oven so no need to head a large oven)

    I too am in the same sleep pattern with nasty dreams again - last night I was being buried under a pile of bricks as a wall collapsed onto me! If anyone out there can analyse that please do let me know what on earth it means.

    Other than work and worrying about Children/Grandchildren my life is peachy ;)

    Well I am finished for the week and am not back until Tuesday - so a 4 day weekend for me.

    I do hope all those struggling with ailments/family issues overcome them and can have a nice weekend.

  • Heather and Harelady - I feel I can join you in the lack of sleep club. I fall straight to sleep when I go to bed and wake up 2 hours later. After that I just doze. Fortunately, I don’t have nightmares.

    I do sympathise.

    Lindy - well done with the washing. It is always satisfying to see it blowing in a breeze on the line.

    AQ - good idea to get the bus. The community bus sounds like a good idea too.

    I went birdwatching this morning with the ladies group I am in. We were on the English side of the Dee estuary. The numbers of geese and lapwing swirling around were just amazing| hundreds and hundreds. Encouragingly, a skylark was singing. Maybe spring is on the way. 

  • A skylark! I always think of summer when I hear one.

    I did get my laundry dry - well, some of the towels are now on the warm radiators to finish off. Unfortunately, there is now a half full large laundry basket waiting for me to do the ironing. Again..

    I got some old packaging sorted out, a lot went in the bin, and I've defrosted the small freezer. We found a mystery bag of what appeared to be cake, but which turned out to be a half of a fruity pudding which a relative had once presented to my OH as "Your favourite pudding" It turned out to be nothing like he was expecting, so he ate a half of it at the time, & we must have frozen the rest! Anyway, he made custard tonight & it's all gone now!!

  • Afternoon all (where did the morning go?)  and welcome Peewit!

    Sympathy to those with bad dreams - but being buried under a brick wall Harelady?   I  guess the bricks didn't have any names chiseled (children? grandchildren?) on them.  Heather:  Sorry you're still sleepless in Scotland. Assume you are also fretting about one thing or t'other.

    Not sure what to say about Charles not showing up on Oz's currency, but I can see where the UK would continue to feature whoever's on the throne.  I've heard people here say that the monarchy, for all its faults, is at least one constancy in a world where we seem to be subjected to a constantly revolving door of idiot politicians and their cronies

  • PEEWIT – Welcome to the nattering group, from DownUnder.

    Very windy & cold today here. It rained soon after I finished hanging washing out. A mad dash to transfer to garage. Only 2 mm fell but enough to refresh pesky weeds. <sigh> At same time Queensland is suffering from 36 C heat and high humidity. Mt Hotham (Victorian Alps) has snow!!!

    My eye is slightly less sore – it feels like I have been in a duststorm. But it is only 4 days.

  • AQ Glad things are improving. Remember when I had a cataract op, my eye felt like it had sand in it for about 3/4 days.