Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, peaceful week.

My patch has been noisy! The bobcat up on the ridge was screaming for a mate. The coyotes were howling and yipping softly while they prepare for the births of their puppies. Two male barred owls raised a ruckus while they competed for a nesting site in the woods across from my front door.

The pub (bar) on the highway next to my land has a new owner. He's a young, single guy, and he's been playing loud music every evening while he's working hard to renovate and remodel the old place. Folks around the county are awaiting the reopening.

So, the wildlife and the humans are all anxious for the end of the winter isolation.

Love to all of you. Take care, all.

  • Oh my ! spring is almost sprung  Diane       Open mouth

    Thank you Diane, I feel like I'm almost your neighbour 

  • Weather much the same but more breeze so birds not doing much today - but am quite happy to record yesterday for the Bird Count.

    J had a phonecall Saturday from Gretna - not finishing this week after all - he is needed all five days this week and then two days on each of the following two weeks! He has had been brewing a cold - started with cough but negative for covid. Hope he feels able to work tomorrow. He needs to do his ironing today for clothes to wear this week!

    E-E has been busy playing with his new computer - got most stuff installed now.

    DIANE - signs of spring sound wonderful - I hope it will stay that way and not revert to winter! I hope the refurbished pub will be more pleasant than the previous incarnation.

    AQ - will be thinking of your surgery on Monday - sure it will all be fine for you.

    Can't remember what else I read - and too lazy to go back a page (breaking my own rule about typing in word and doing it direct into reply box! Best wishes to all.
  • OG Sorry to hear that J may be starting a cold. I do hope he is fit to go to work.
  • AQ - Wishing a good outcome for you post surgery!
  • We enjoyed "The Snow Queen" last night and had a nice glass of wine with my friend and her daughters beforehand. Although we see my friend and her husband every 2 weeks or so we haven't see the girls for a good while so it was lovely to catch up with them.
  • DIBNLIB - that's lovely that your friend made it to the show and you all had a great time.
  • Haven't had time to thank DIANE for starting us off again. You're a star.

    OG -  I do hope that J can cope with the extra work when he's fighting a cold. Glad that EE is getting on OK with his new toy.

    Dibnlib - Glad you enjoyed your outing to the ballet. My tablet just put "Glad you enjoyed your gurgling" LOL!!

    We've been to visit Sue again, as she was holding the Condolence Book for her brother in law. I wrote in it for the pair of us and read some of the previous entries - a very popular man. Again and again, the words "cheerful" " twinkling" and "long time friend" came up. He wished for no riches, but loved his family and enjoyed a simple life amongst many friends. What more could you want than to be remembered with such affection?

    We're also planning for an 80th birthday celebration, which is now decided to be a family lunch out in a "local hostelry" in February, which suddenly is not far off.

    I've done my bird count. Not as many sparrows as previous years (30 plus!) But quite a variety. Not going to submit my list yet as it's so mad online on this Site at present.

  • Hallo all.

    AQ; Am dropping in and out of the Australian Open, Such a rambunctious crowd!! Hope you're through with your surgery by now Take it easy.
  • I’m home with eye patch, white not black. Dau collected me, took my car for a run & departed, leaving me to sleep after all the sitting-around waiting doing nothing all morning. Post-op visit tomorrow morn. Can of soup for tea and bed
  • AQ See to have missed you were having an eye op. Hope you are feeling ok.