Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2023


I hope everyone has a joyful, healthy week.

I decided to walk to my small town yesterday to get some food at the general store. I heard a noise and looked back to see my neighbors' chickens lined up single-file walking behind me. She lets them run loose in the afternoon, and they had decided to follow me! I had to walk them back to their coup. The big red hen pecked at my shoe and looked at me like, "Come on, woman, let's go!" I guess they thought it was an adventure and I'm the new hen leader. LOL

Take care, all.

  • HEATHER – I do wonder how our Aussie vegan, etc people expect to eat when so much of Aussieland cannot grow crops – too dry and only suitable for cattle. Would they expect those farmers to walk off the land? As for the rudeness of the fish comment in someone else’s home. . . words fail me. I have at times teased eldest G-Dau that carrots scream when pulled from the ground. <grin>

    In our state we have been encouraged to recycle. Single-use plastics are gradually being banned, thus no more plastic drinking straws, cutlery; next will be single-use bowls & plates. Fruit & veggie bags are being replaced by corn starch bags (compostable yes but difficult to open). Etc, etc. I have been carefully saving all soft plastics to deliver to special bins at supermarkets for recycling. So it was not good news to learn recently that the only soft-plastic recycling plant in Aussieland had so many 1000s (!!!) of tonnes stored in warehouses that they were not collecting any more. There is too much and it is too costly to recycle! Meanwhile so much is in soft plastic packaging – sultanas, bread, veggies, meat, frozen food, fresh food. It was very sad this morning to see my collection go in the general rubbish for landfill.

  • AQ - the next discussion may be whether veggies are sentient beings !
  • Some people do talk to their veggies!

    But do veggies answer? Yes, my tomatoes have listened to me and produced 3 almost ripe fruit. I picked them to ripen indoors, not trusting possums, blackbirds or other thieves. Today reached 38 C.

  • I just wrote a massive post and now I can't see it anywhere -- its disappeared!!!
  • Not been on here much over the last few weeks....I have been reading most of the news though. I have been enjoying doing a couple of lego kits which someone lent me. Don't think I will buy one as they are expensive.

    Got a shock a wee while ago. Today was the 4th attempt at a hearing for the driver who caused my friends dreadful accident and we all thought this would be the last. He has pleaded "not guilty" and the case goes to trial on 19th June. As you can imagine she is gutted.

    On a brighter note we are looking forward to Eden Court again tomorrow. This time to see "Scottish Ballet" perform "The Snow Queen. My dear friend and her daughters also have tickets and I just hope she isn't too distraught to go.
  • Heather:  Oh Lord. I can sympathize with your OH re rude comments by guests about his catch.  

    AQ:  I took a massive bag full of soft plastic to the special disposal place last week.  Haven't heard of any massive storage backup - yet.  I was watching a news segment the other day about the problem of cardboard food containers that are allegedly compostable but are lined with something nasty that negates up upside. The guy was saying they're now experimenting with plant-based lining that would make it safe to compost.  Every time I hear about the plastic menace I remember the movie "The Graduate" where his girlfriend's businessman father takes Dustin Hoffman aside and tells him the future of the world is "Plastic!"  So badly true.

    Lindybird: How frustrating about that post!

    dibnlib: Good to see you.  I hope that trial goes ahead in June - that's not the same as a hearing, right?  Lawyers seem able to string things out indefinitely.

    Doing laundry today, but otherwise quiet.  I keep thinking it's Saturday.

    Take care all.

  • Another peculiar week – weather is still swinging from cold to warm and back again – no frost for two days, then a sudden minus 3 this morning. No rain, and some sun during the day, when it warmed up to normal March temperatures. J went for his blood test Monday, to eye clinic Wednesday (was given a coloured overlay for reading and over-glasses for driving both with scientific explanations), with two days at work between. E-E satisfactorily bought his lap-top Wednesday, together with a few accessories he wanted. Had our hair cut this afternoon.

    Haven’t ventured into the realms of day centre etc and other care suggestions but collecting a list of recommendations. Certainly, won’t be rushing any decisions.

    Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend – will probably do it Saturday and Sunday then submit the better list of the two, as the days are so variable. Shan’t be going to church this Sunday – they are having a Songs of Praise thing this week, and the last time they did that I re-christened it “Dirges of Despair” as it was so depressing!
  • ANNETTE – My mother always declared that plastics were the problem with our health, etc. She died 30 years ago – she knew before the scientists?

    It was a hot sleepless night. Muggy day ahead.

  • OG - I filled the feeders and put new fat balls out this afternoon so will be doing the birdwatch tomorrow morning. I have the impression that I am getting fewer and fewer birds in my garden. Many years ago, my big number of house sparrows at one time was 17. I haven’t made double figures for several years now. I suppose that is what the survey is all about.
    I think making a list of possibilities and taking time to make a decision sounds like the best way to go. Glad EE got his laptop. I suppose he will be spending time setting it up now.
    Annette - I religiously recycle all my plastics and they get taken away weekly but I am sure I read that so many of them cannot be processed and they are just stored somewhere or shipped overseas to be dealt with. It’s not ideal.
    Dibnlib - The fact that that man has pleaded not guilty must have been a terrible shock for your friend and all of you really. How can he do that? Then to have to wait so long for the trial. It’s awful. I do hope your friend can enjoy the ballet along with you. I bet it will be lovely. It might take mind of things if she can just make herself go.
    Lindy - I am so sorry you last your long post. It is so annoying when that happens.
    I have been out for lunch again today with the friend I go on holiday with. (2 withs in the sentence - i couldn’t think of a different way of putting it!!!) In the next village to her a lovely little cafe has opened. We walked there from her village. We both had Brie and cranberry paninis and cup of tea. Very yummy. More to the point, we discussed holidays and have come up with a couple we both agree on. We are hoping to go into the nearby town next week to do some booking.
  • Victoria is catching up with other states DownUnder. Now it is edible coffee cups.