Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy week with no extremes of weather (heat, cold, rain, or snow).

We had some rare sunshine today, and tonight the coyotes are howling in the woods. Two nights ago, I thought I heard a bobcat scream. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.

  • It’s a very frosty morning here. We still have lying snow too. It looks very pretty but I won’t be venturing out after my adventure yesterday.
    Firstly, thanks for the cartoons etc Lindy.
    Toadzilla was on Winterwatch last night and the radio this morning!!!
    So, yesterday - my adventure . I drove 30 minutes to a railway station with a handy car park and caught the train (well 2 trains) to Leeds. As soon as I descended 500 feet or so, there was no snow. All my trains both there and back were on time!! I met a friend on the 2nd train who was coming from Liverpool. We were going to Leeds to meet up with ladies we had been at grammar school with in Yorkshire 60 years ago. We meet up quite regularly (we had 2 days in Liverpool in the summer) 10 of us met in a very nice bistro within walking distance of the station. 2 ladies had come from London, one from Ripon and the others were relatively local. We all get on really well. After a good lunch and lots of chat, we walked back to the station to get our various trains. I was home by 7. Would have been sooner but, once in the car, I was in gridlocked traffic due to an accident.
    Today I am pottering at home!!!!!!
  • STARTING NEW THREAD NOW (a bit early, sorry)