Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2023


I hope everyone has a healthy week with no extremes of weather (heat, cold, rain, or snow).

We had some rare sunshine today, and tonight the coyotes are howling in the woods. Two nights ago, I thought I heard a bobcat scream. I'd love to see one.

Take care, all.

  • Rusty:  My OH's hearing aids can be adjusted for various environments and he can also 'mute' sides and  back receptors if he, say, wants to focus on sounds coming from directly in front of him.   All these adjustments are also available on an app for his iPhone.  Not that he has an iPhone or ever bothers to make any adjustments at all.  Sigh.  :-)  Anyway, hope you don't miss out on any of the conversation at dinner.

    SunnyKate:  I'm afraid I'm with PatO on Nerdle.  I never got more than 35% out of 100% in any math test and that was only because I memorized all the theorems on the paper.  I did look at the examples, but now I have to go look up commutative because I've no idea what it means - something confounding I'm sure.  :-)

    Hope folks and assorted appendages who are ailing feel better soon.

  • Annette - I have got the app on my phone and have been playing with it. Not completely confident yet though so won’t do anything drastic tonight. If I decide to go with these which I am currently trialling, I will get further instructions from the audiologist. He went through things very fast the another day. I’m afraid I couldn’t take it all in!!!
  • Very quiet here. I hope everyone is busy rather than unwell.
    Warm day, 32 C near the beach, 35 in the city. Expecting 38 tomorrow before a temp drop to 23 C. Cor blimey, we''ll need long johns!
  • It's been quiet on here.

    Good Morning. A dry start here, as I watch the weather forecast saying its going to be a cold week. Will have to wear extra layers!

    My OHs other sister came around yesterday & confirmed some funeral arrangements. She also has her 80th birthday in February, so there's been much discussion of a celebration of it & of course, how she feels about that. Its more or less decided now that a group of family will have a celebratory lunch in the town.

    I dug out a whole dinner service which we never use now and am going to give away. Its pretty, with flowers around the edges of the plates, and matching cups & saucers. We have been tending to just use some large white plates we have, when we have guests, so now I'm looking in the Sales for some matching pudding dishes etc. Someone may enjoy my old set if I take it to a charity shop.

    I hope everyone who's been unwell is now on the mend.

  • AQ - You and your long johns came on while I was writing!! Too hot for me!
  • New week – new me? We shall see! Trying to make a new start

    DIANE – thanks for the new week. No mention of your weather, so I guess it is more “normal“ now.

    ANNETTE – do Bobcats really have pups? Not kits? Sorry the visit was not good for your niece and continued with a bad flight – Atlantic weather is not good right now – the rubbish we keep having comes from there. How are you over the Pacific side? I heard S Barbara was flooded – hope not in your part. I see you have been very busy since she left – plenty of HW.

    AQ – where is your Dau#1 with bushfires (not Adelaide, I assume?)? Hope she will be okay from the smoke.

    HARELADY – we too are enjoying the starling murmurations; Barnacle Goose flypasts too as they move inland for daily grazing in the fields.

    LINDA – sorry you two had health issues over the weekend- hope you are feeling better today. Well done with the decision to fling the posh dinner service – how many plates etc do two people really need?

    RUSTY – good luck with the hearing aids. I got my repaired one back, and it’s good to be connected to both sides of the world again!. I actually wore them in church yesterday, and discovered some voices on the organ which I hadn’t heard before!

    I wore two coats to go out yesterday, but it seemed actually warmer than last time I was out (mid-December, I think). Today forecast to stay sub-zero, but full blue sky and bright sunshine, so plenty of solar generation – having the battery installed certainly boosted our payback. Looks like we may get to garden centre and M&S Wednesday – and hopefully to my rearranged dentist appt Thursday – so with Dau#1 coming Friday a very full week.
  • Hello and thanks from me, Diane, for starting us off. Talking about Bobcats, I get the newsletter from the Minnesota Wildlife Research Centre which is concentrating on the bears and Dr. Lyn Johnson has been reporting that he has had a Bobcat visiting the centre. It really is an interesting institution trying to educate people not to shoot the bears but preserve them.

    Thanks for all your news. Weather is dry and overcast down here at present.

    OG -lets hope your week continues to improve and that you yourself feel better.

    Lindy - do hope you and OH are feeling better now.

    AQ - see the hot weather has hit you, mind you it is your summer. We need a bit of your sunshine over here.

    Annette - by the sound of your posts you seem to have avoided the worst of the flooding where you are. Hope your niece soon recovers and enjoys her trip to Blighty. Now that you have had a blitz cleaning, rest and enjoy the days.
  • Morning all: The last of the storms has just passed through so we have bright sunshine with puffy clouds and very cool temps plus blustery wind. I'm off to Tai Chi for the first time in weeks.

    OG: Good heavens, yes, kits it is for bobcat babies. You are back on form!

    Hallo to everyone else!
  • Snowing here most of the day and also no WiFi until mid afternoon - very frustrating !
    Thanks to DIANE - will catch up tomorrow.
  • LINDA – I have to rewrite your sentence - Good Morning. A dry start here, as I watch the weather forecast saying its going to be a hot week. Will have to wear less layers.

    OG – Dau is in the outer eastern suburb of Highbury, across the River Torrens from undeveloped section of Adelaide Hills, quite close to the Black Hill Conservation Park. Sounds like you have busy days ahead. Take it slowly.

    LYNETTE – You can have the sunshine or rather blazing heat. It was 28 C this morn at 6 am. I was out early weeding – heat doesn’t hinder them.