Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2023


I hope all of you have a joyful, meaningful, fulfilling 2023. 

  • Good Morning. Glad it's a bit of relief from the heat for you, AQ.

    It's very windy & gusty here but supposed to be a little warmer for a few days. My OH has gone of for his 1st golf game of the year.

    Yesterday we tidied up some of the Christmas bits & bobs, and over the next few days I'll pack it up ready for the next festive season. We were hoping to have drinks & nibbles with some neighbours yesterday, but illness has struck again, so it's been delayed until next week.

    I hope everyone on here who has been unwell is now on the better side. Still thinking of OG and EE and hoping to hear from them soon.
  • Pat - I have been thinking of you at this really difficult time. As several people have said, I am glad we can give you a little bit of support. Going home and getting a bit of normality might help in a strange sort of way even though you are going to have a huge hole in your life.
    Annette - what a shame you are having such bad weather for your niece’s visit. I am sure you are still giving her a good time.
    AQ - contrarily, it seems you are enjoying the cooler spell. Strange isn’t it?
    I keep thinking about OG and EE and hoping things are OK there. I saw on TV that there was a lot of flooding in that area a few days ago.
    I had a lovely walk on the Welsh side of the Dee estuary yesterday with 2 friends. About 3.5 miles. It was chilly but sunny. The water was blue and the sandbanks golden. We saw a lovely flock of pretty turnstones very close to the shore. As we were eating our picnic at a lovely viewpoint, I commented that, if it wasn’t chilly, it could be a summer’s day. We went on to have a cup of tea and a piece of cake at another friends and stayed until 5.30!!!
    Back down to earth today. My ancient car is going in for its service and MOT. (My iPad just typed CAT instead of CAR) Just as well I saw it or you would have been wondering what I was doing!! I don’t have a cat!!!
  • ANNETTE I haven't see OG on facebook but like me she doesn't post there very often.

    D&G has had some severe flooding but I haven't seen Annan mentioned at all.
  • Rusty - You do manage some lovely outings. I've been hearing from friends that they too, have been having outdoor picnics in December! (And now its January already!)

    Rather worrying that we've heard nothing from OG & EE for such a long time. I do hope that covid has not struck. OG has tried so hard to keep safe. I've emailed her today but of course if she is unwell she won't be on the desktop at all.
  • I promised a bit of a story. If you remember, a while ago, I refused to relate my tale about when we once played Trivial Pursuit. This happened a few years ago: I know it was after my children grew up as it did not involve babysitters at the time, but I have no idea when except it was when we lived in our previous house, and my Friend G and her OH lived three houses down the road from us.


    We were once invited over for a light supper, followed by a game of Trivial Pursuit, a game which had not been out for long, and was very popular at the time. We set off to walk the hundred yards from our house and I was somewhat nervous: the other players were all four of them University graduates and held down professional jobs. I left school and did a Secretarial Course, where we learned shorthand, typing, and how to answer the phone, and how to get out of a car without showing our knickers. I wasn't even working at the time, and never earned much anyway.  My OH had left school at the age of14 to help on the family farm.

    As we crossed the road, I boosted my ego by thinking that after all, the game is all about trivial things, not general knowledge as such. I reminded myself that I was perhaps the only person going to be there who knew weird facts, such as one that elephants are the only mammal to have knees just like us humans, and that "Lizzie Borden with an Axe, Gave her Mother 40 whacks!!" Anyway, although I am competitive at such games, I did not mind losing and maybe we would make our friends feel good about beating us!

    We enjoyed G's delicious food, and then cleared the table and set out the game. We two had never played before. It consists mainly of taking turns to answer various questions and gaining points to progress around the board. We began. I was relieved to hear that the questions are indeed, very varied and random. We did not do too badly, although I was steamingly annoyed with myself for forgetting the name of who wrote "Mrs Dalloway" when I knew it was Virginia Woolf as I had read it recently.

    Then G asked me "What mammal is the only one with knees besides humans?".... I paused and swallowed. I said nothing about what had happened an hour or two ago, and replied Elephants. Of course, it was just a coincidence.

    But four or five questions later I got "Who gave their Mother 40 whacks?" This was just mind boggling, as out of all the millions of facts in the world, I was asked that one. I managed to smile as if I wasn't shaken at all, and just said "Lizzie Borden with an Axe, Gave her Mother 40 Whacks, When she saw What she had Done, She gave her father 41"

    I never told anyone about what happened, and certainly not my OH who would have just shrugged.

    Oh, and as a nice footnote -- We Won the game!!!

  • What a great tale Lindy. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for posting it.
  • Geez; Just typed a response and again failed to hit Reply. Sigh. Anyway, thanks for little stories about this and that. I too have just e-mailed OG in the hopes of hearing back. Rushing off to Los Angeles Museum of Art with niece today......
  • Thank you, Rusty. It seems odd, but I've been like this for most of my life: things happen.

    One evening in the early 2000s, I was reading a magazine whilst my OH watched something on the TV. Even though I was reading, the thought suddenly popped into my head that someone important had just died, and it was going to be announced. I amused myself for a couple of minutes by guessing what kind of VIP it could be: would it be royalty, or an entertainer, or a politician?

    I could not decide between an actor or a politician. Ten minutes later, the TV programme was halted and an announcer came on to tell us that Ronald Reagan had just died. We had no idea he was ill, and of course he was an ex President and an ex film actor, too.
  • Ooo Lindy, that’s rather weird isn’t it?
    I have just had a creepy thing happen to me. I have been reading through all my Christmas cards. I know 2 couples called Janet and John. One couple live near here and the other down south. They have both sent me the same card!!!!! The only duplicates I have got too.
  • Thank you for posts ! I really enjoy them.
    Nothing much happening here, I was still +ve for Covid yesterday but feeling much more like myself. Just very tired when doing chores, etc.
    I expect we'll hear from OG or EE eventually. I will admit to worrying a bit, though.