Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2023


I hope all of you have a joyful, meaningful, fulfilling 2023. 

  • ANNETTE - We have been watching the "results" one by one. Solution is perhaps to sack the lot? No matter what one votes for, it is crazy nowadays with fringe groups and stray independents holding control, not the majority.
  • Just a thought

    If at first you do succeed, it probably wasn't too difficult.

    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.

    If at first you don't succeed, see if the loser gets anything.

    If at first you don't succeed, start looking around for someone to blame.

    If at first you don't succeed, try something harder.

    If at first you don't succeed, you may be at your level of incompetence already. (Laurence J Peter)

  • AQ - I enjoyed all those quotes!
    Annette and Diane - I have been following the shenanigans re your speaker! I see he has been elected now but has had to make lots of concessions. I listen to a podcast on BBC Sounds called Americast. It is on weekly and talks about all the happenings Stateside.
    I have got a nasty cough and head cold. I have taken a covid test and will go and look at the result shortly. I am going to go out for a local walk in the hope that some fresh air will do me good.
  • Good Morning. Busy building an Ark, as its rained all night & still pouring down now. Ugh.
  • Oh dear, Rusty - there are some nasty things going around - hope it's only short lived.
  • Thanks Lindy. The covid test was negative. I have been out for a 2 mile walk in the sunshine and blue sky!! It is quite mild too.
    I have taken a tablet for my headache. It might be because I hardly slept last night. I listened to a lot of the World Service. Heather - I bet you heard it too!!!
  • I was awake for a while, as my OH was snoring, or at least, breathing very loudly ;-)

    Coincidentally, have just heard that the doughty lady in her 90s I mentioned earlier has spent a whole night on her bathroom floor recently, as she fell. She rang for help at 7.00am so I suspect she didn't want to get her son out of bed early!

    It finally stopped raining here but must have been torrential as the roads are flooded in places.

  • Yes RUSTY - I heard five hours of it ! Still testing positive , thought I was on the mend but not yet.

    Have not been on for some time but do hope that there isn't too much illness amongst you - those that are feeling under the weather I wish you all a speedy recovery.

    Not a lot going on down here. Cannot believe it is a year since we lost Ray but Dau and I marked it with one of his favourite meals of sausage, mash and beans and a toast in wine to him. We are both getting there and on reflection realise that he was more ill than he let on and probably wouldn't have survived an operation. We make new memories but will always remember him as a loving dad and husband.

    To anyone else who may have lost loved ones recently, my thoughts go out to you and hope you come through the other side.

    On a cheerier note, weather has been mixed over the last few days. Had a communication from Harvester where we went for our Christmas dinner and it invited me to have my birthday celebration there with a free meal as long as we buy one other main meal. Dau and I have booked in and will be going there in a fortnights time. Realise it is the end of a week so may post this again when new week begins.
  • Lynette:  What a nice post. I love the idea of you and daughter toasting your OH.   The birthday dinner sounds lovely!  And OMG, it is indeed the end of a week for our group here - where does the time go!?  

    AQ:  I can relate to most of the 'If at firsts, but some new ones there I'll have to try.

    I'm picking up Ms. D this morning so niece can take her shopping at Chaucer's, super local indy bookstore, then we're all having lunch at daughter's, then back here for pie, ice cream and 'late' gift exchange.   Tomorrow they're all coming here for late breakfast before granddaughter and Ms. D get on the road and head back to Arizona.  Monday morning my Brit friend has invited me and niece for coffee, tea and chat.....     So much chatting, my head is spinning.  Oh, and more rain on the way here...

    Take care everyone!