Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2023


I hope all of you have a joyful, meaningful, fulfilling 2023. 

  • Pat: you must feel strange now, without your dear sister. I can only say that she would have expected you to be sad, but then would have wanted you to go and get on with your life as best you can - carry the memories with you.
  • Evening all: Well a really lovely (if noisy!) gathering here, during which grandson announced that he'd proposed to his partner on New Year's Eve and been accepted. We were all too busy chattering to notice the ring on her finger when they arrived. :-)) We are very pleased: She's a smart, warm, down-to-earth girl with a good head on her shoulders. Apparently he even spoke to her father first about his intentions - so sweet and old fashioned - and hadn't finished before his prospective father-in-law interrupted him with "Right, welcome to the family!"

    Still no news from OG.... :-(
  • How lovely to get such happy news, Annette!

    Good Morning. A pretty blue & pink streaked sky out of my window just now. There are piles of decorations all over the dining room as my OH has been out too much to help me to get all the boxes out to put stuff in - as usual, I'm also trying to prune down on the amount as it seems to grow each year. Hands up, though, as I bought nothing new this year, and have already given away one of those candle bridges which you can put in the window - it's not been used for a couple of years
  • Annette - that sounds like a lovely family gathering and how lovely to have the happy news of your grandson’s engagement. What a good way to start the New Year.
    Lindy - I took my decorations down the day after New Year!! (Bah humbug) I don’t like the clutter! I am sure you will get yours sorted. I too have had some nice pink streaks in the sky as I have eaten my breakfast.
    Pat - I hope you are coping. Each day must be very strange.
    This afternoon I am bringing a 93 year old lady (who used to work with me way back) up to my house for a cuppa. She uses a walker to get around but I think I will be able to get her in the car and I have a low step into the kitchen. I just thought it would be a change of scenery for her. I usually go there.
    Still thinking of OG. I wonder what went wrong on Christmas Day? Also, have we heard from Lynnette lately?
  • Morning all: Yes, grandson's announcement put a real sparkle on the day and was an uplifting start to 2023. My Xmas decorations will be up until this weekend as our bifurcated Christmas continues through tomorrow when we exchange gifts with granddaughter and Ms. D. Then again, they'll probably stay up until after Wednesday when niece flie back to the UK, at which point I plan to go to bed for two days!!

    Rusty: Your friend will surely appreciate a chance to get out and about. Is she in what folks in the UK call "sheltered" housing?
  • Annette - no. My friend still lives in her bungalow. It has had a few modifications and her son lives just round the corner. She cooks for herself, showers and washes her hair herself. She walks round to the local shops using her walker. She is very determined. I was shocked how frail she is though. She has had a couple of falls. I suggested she gets one of these alarms to wear round her neck. She has had it suggested to her before but says she keeps forgetting to ask. She managed to get in an out of my little car OK but she did need help getting up from my armchair which is rather low. We had a really good chat about her grandchildren and friends we have in common.
  • Rusty: 93? I'm impressed (maybe her family could 'treat' her to an alarm?)
  • An amazing lady, Rusty. Some people just will not give in to age, will they! I know of a similar lady, who regularly falls down at home, but won't give up her independence. Gets her hair done every week, & nags other people to get going and do things for her charity concerns. :-)

    I've been putting stuff away, and making myself create a pile of things to go to charity. We really do have way too much stuff in the way of Christmas decs. I get too tired these days to get it all out & clear it away afterwards. Must simplify. Our new tree was a success as it looked just as cheerful as our old efforts (which were larger) and it came with the lights already attached. We managed to wrestle it back into its box, but it took two of us!!
  • By 10 am I brought in my washing, already dry. Another heatwave this week with temps “only” 31 C to 37 C. My poor tomatoes are hidden under old sheets but the wind is hot. Dau & Miss11 went to the tennis yesterday; one match was Medvedev; he won. He who won’t be vaccinated is also playing here this week.

    Birds fight back against drones!

  • Absolute bl**dy chaos in our government as a handful of hard-right Republicans are withholding support for the main Republican candidate for speaker of the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy. What a fiasco. I can't imagine what the Republicans can do to further destroy their party (not my party I add!!) Geez Louise. Complete idiots.