Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2023


I hope all of you have a joyful, meaningful, fulfilling 2023. 

  • I rather like this photo of a little egret which I took on my walk by the Dee Estuary yesterday. 

  • Ooh yes RUSTY. a reflection as well. Good shot.

    LINDA & RUSTY - Many years ago (pre husband when I was still living at home in country) I posted a gift to my then best friend. Next visit to PO I collected the same gift from her. For a moment I thought it was mine back again. No, just great minds thinking alike. I vaguely remember it was a pack of hand care or such. . . but it was green coloured pack. OK I have a weird memory.

  • Good Morning. Glad you're improving, Heather.

    AQ -- I think we've all had those coincidences. It does shake you a little. At present, I have two cards on my mantlepiece, one from my OH and mine to him: they are identical colouring and by the same artist, except his says "To my wife" and mine says "To my Husband". I often know who is calling on the phone before I answer. I once worked in a local Estate Agent, and of course you have to answer with the company name. Twice I said "Hello!" when my OH rang me - he said "How did you know it was me?" but I've no idea.
  • We're off to see The Lion King on stage in Manchester tonight. Looking forward to it, but not feeling great today for some reason. Hoping to feel up to going out, later. I'll take it easy today. I said I would take down the Christmas tree so that tomorrow there'll only be the rest of the decs to sort out.
  • Lindy. Enjoy The Lion King. What a treat. I do hope you feel well enough to go.
    May I share my good news? I went to the hospital this morning to get the results of my first annual post breast cancer mammogram. It was clear. I was told to go and enjoy my year until my next mammogram in November. Phew!
  • Linda- you will enjoy The Lion King. I saw the stage show years ago and I saw in the newspaper that it is returning this summer. I am seriously thinking of going again. Of course, I am a great fan of Elton John's music!
  • Oh, Rusty, that's the best news! You must be thrilled. As they said to you, enjoy your year, now. Forget about tests and get on with life.

    I felt better as the morning went on: I tried to remember what I ate yesterday and am now blaming a potato I had last night which looked a little green. Maybe if it goes through my system I'll be bouncing around tomorrow. I did undress our tree, and when my OH came back from doing errands he helped me fight it back into its box again.
  • bjane, you wrote whilst I was rambling. The show has been to our area before, but I missed the chance of going and then regretted it. So this time, I told my OH it would have to be a Christmas treat instead of our usual concert. I'm a fan of Elton John too, but it's also the clever costumes and production that I'm looking forward to.
  • Great news RUSTY ! I'm so pleased for you..
    LINDY - Enjoy the show :-)
  • RUSTY So pleased to hear your news. What a relief.

    LINDY Hope you are well enough to enjoy "The Lion King" We saw it in London many years ago and again in July last year when it was on in Edinburgh. We loved everything, the music and the amazing costumes and how they were brought to life.....just wonderful.

    We have a couple of things booked at Eden Court this month. On the 12th we have tickets for the annual SNO Viennese Gala and at the end of the month we have booked for Scottish National Ballet dancing "The Snow Queen"