Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 January 2023


I hope all of you have a joyful, meaningful, fulfilling 2023. 

  • How lovely, Rusty - and your pic. Never mind the big type!

    I'm thinking daily of OG and EE and hoping that things are alright with them.

    Its rained here, a lot. A bit of sun came out this afternoon just to say "It's New Years" I spent most of the morning on the phone : rang my poor cousin, who has had covid and is only just testing negative. It spoiled her Christmas as she lives alone. She missed her family. Then I rang our Youngest, who sounded dreadful and says that no way do they want us to visit, as they're frightened we might catch this horrible flu thing. We shall have to put off going there until next weekend, at least. Boo.

    Yesterday visited my OHs cousin and family: they are the ones with a new grandchild,, who was there, so we all had a turn at holding him. We took Sue with us, and my OHs recently bereaved sister, and we all tucked into a nice hot mug of home made soup and crusty bread, followed by turkey sandwiches and mince pies. I just had the soup as I was feeling overstuffed lately and don't like mince pies anyway. Nice to catch up with family and all their news.

    I didn't mention to anyone something which spooked me last week. When we went to a garden centre just before Christmas, I mentioned buying a birthday card from their lovely selection. As I chose it, I glanced to the left: they had some very nice Condolence cards there. I told my OH to pause whilst I chose one, as I said "I can feel that there might be another funeral very soon." I was only reminded of this after our sad loss of my OHs brother in law, about four days later. Of course, my OH had forgotten my remark and it means nothing, except that this is not the first time that something similar has happened. I do seem to have a knack of predicting things.

    This has made me feel that I will share with you a story, tomorrow.
  • Thank you DIANE for starting us off with a new week and a new year.

    Thank you to ALL for your uplifting comments.

    Yesterday I tried for hours to get back in post further but it must have been the First of Month Syndrome. Our day was hot & dry 36 C, A bit cooler today, expecting 29 C which means it will be humid.

  • You have heard of Ayers Rock, or Uluru as it is now known. But did you know Aussieland has other inselbergs? The only one I have seen is Pildappa Rock

  • Interesting, AQ --- thanks for the link.

    It's been a bit of a strange day, but then the start of the year is often disjointed. I was going to come on here last night & thank everyone for their friendship and varied posts. Plus, of course, a possible few lines of poetry. But my head is blank - perhaps something to do with the wine I just had, or the chocolates I ate earlier?
  • PAT O: Thinking of you today. Be good to yourself.
  • It's coming light here, and It's Not Raining!!!
  • Thank you, Diane. We are trying to be as normal as possible, but it's not easy. Everything we do and everything we talk about includes my sister. I guess it will be like that for quite a while - and it's how things should be - she is still very much a part of our lives. I still feel as though a large part of me is missing - I can only imagine how her husband is feeling, although he's doing really well on the surface. I will be going home in a couple of days but will keep in touch often, and I'll be back here in three or four weeks. I think the A303 will become an even more familiar route - if anyone knows that road, you will not be envying me!

    Happy New Year to everyone, and thank you for all the friendship, support and laughter we share. It's so good to have an outlet like this forum - we can have the odd rant, tell secrets nobody else knows, share silly jokes - and yet we have never met. It's a great place - looking forward to another enjoyable year with you all.
  • {{HUGS}} to you, at such a difficult time, Pat. Glad we've been of some small help.
  • Morning all:

    Thinking of PatO (hugs and tissues winging their way to you) and wondering (more like worrying) about OG et al. Has anyone seen her on Facebook?

    Not much time to post as busy toing and froing with niece in between very un-California-like storms. Granddaughter and Ms. D due here Thursday....
  • Morning here and the sun is not shining. It's overcast and cooler!