Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • PAT – Very sorry you have lost your sister. May your memories of times together comfort you. {{{HUGS}}}

    HEATHER – You sound cheerful. I hope you are recovering.

    RUSTY – OH is always cross that other people’s rubbish blows into our front garden. Beats me why it doesn’t continue blowing on further down the street.

    LINDA – Too bad the return from your visit was marred by accidents and traffic queues.

    ANNETTE – Our news from your part of the world is of He Who Needs to Go to Confession. LOL.

  • Much milder weather here, and the wind has dropped. We must enjoy it, as there is apparently another very cold spell on the way in January.

    I hope that all those who are unwell are soon to recover. Our Youngest has had a very subdued Christmas and not been to visit his in laws as is usual at this time of year, nor are we sure when we can see them ourselves. They've had this other virus which is pretty nasty and doesn't go away easily.
  • Thank you all so much for your messages of comfort and support. My niece rang me on the Monday and I was able to drop pretty much everything and get down here to spend a few days with my sister before she died on the Saturday. She was able to talk to us until the last couple of days, and we covered a lot of ground. And she died in her own bed, wearing a pretty nightie, with her husband and me with her, very peacefully and with no fuss, just as she had lived. Christmas was very different this year, but we tried to do things as she would have done them - and glasses were raised to her. The funeral on Thursday was also just as she would have wanted - calm and gentle, just as she was. We will all miss her tremendously - although she was younger than I am, she was the king-pin (or queen-pin!) in the family - sometimes a bit bossy but always wise and supportive. Rest in peace, Janet.
  • PAT - what a lovely tribute to your dear sister.
  • Oh Pat. That is indeed a wonderful tribute to your sister. She sounds to have been a lovely person.
  • PAT O

    What lovely things you have said about your dear sister. Pleased things were as you and the family would have wanted.
  • PatO:  Lovely memories of your sister....  it's difficult in the aftermath when all the immediate practical stuff has been taken care of. I found myself bursting into tears in the most unlikely places.   It takes time....

    AQ:  I believe you're the first on the block to arrive in 2023!  Hope it's a really good year for you and the family.  

    Lindybird:  Thanks for sorting me out re the girls' hair color!  

    Lots of rain due this afternoon.  Such a shame for niece who was so looking forward to sitting in the sun.  But for us, it's simply wonderful to have all this rain locally and lots of snow in the Sierras.

  • Annette - Yes, my brother in law, my niece and I keep bursting into tears at the most inconvenient moments. The practical stuff is far more complicated than anticipated. My sister had a wonderful filing system and left everything in really good order. But all the legal stuff is sooooo much more complicated than anyone could anticipate. It will happen, but it will take time. So plenty more opportunities for tears ...

    Plenty of rain here as well - in deepest Somerset. It doesn't seem to have stopped for days - apart from a window of sunshine last week for the funeral, which in itself was a miracle. Otherwise we get wet, we get blown along, my car glows (but will still be dirty when the rain stops!), we sit indoors feeling sorry for ourselves. Hope that will make your niece feel slightly better, Annette - she's experiencing the same weather over there! Seriously, hope she sees the sunshine soon.
  • PAT O: I am so very sorry about your sister. I know how painful the loss of a sibling is. (My brother died in 2016 at 55.) Allow yourself the time to weep and mourn. Be good to yourself during this time of grief. I wish I could give you a hug in person. Sending you comfort and healing. I know it's a rough road to walk. 

    BJANE: I was so sad to read that you are suffering from macular degeneration. Don't feel pressured to post here; we all understand. We enjoy your presence in any way that is comfortable for you. Wishing you Midwestern strength. Big hugs and healing to you.

    HEATHER: Oh dear. Covid. I hope you're recovering and you can kick the disease's **** soon. Hugs to you. 

    HARELADY: Well, dang. More Covid! I'm so sorry that your son and partner have Covid and you couldn't visit with them for the holidays. That disease is a tragedy, making everyone change their holiday plans. Hope they are recovering well.

    SUNNYKATE:  I hope you're recovering. Sending you strength. Feel better!

    LINDY: That's rotten news that your youngest and family have contracted that awful virus--especially this time of year. I'm also sorry that you couldn't visit with your cousin. So very sad that your plans had to be changed and visits cancelled. I hope you were able to enjoy the time with your family. I love to play Chess, but I am absolutely awful at the game!

    RUSTY: I'm glad to hear that you were able to do some wonderful birdwatching. Sorry you missed the waxwings. I don't have them here, because my land is the wrong terrain for them, but they are so elegantly beautiful. I trust you will get good news soon about your health. I've enjoyed all your lovely photos.

    ANNETTE: I hope you are enjoying your time with your niece. Sorry about your daughter's intestinal problems during Christmas. Bad time of year for that. The Christmas cruise you mentioned sounds wonderful. Maybe next year we'll sail over and visit AQ! LOL

    AQ: I'm going to do my darndest to send you some cold air! I enjoyed your description of your time with your grandchildren. Have a good new year!

    OG: I think of you every day. I'm wishing you strength and praying for you and EE.

    DIBNLIB: That hotel retreat sounds very lovely! Glad you had a nice holiday.

    GARDENBIRDER: So nice to see you lurking about on these chat threads. Sending you good wishes for a very happy new year!!!

    LYNETTE: I hope you and your family have enjoyed your meals out and are having lovely holidays.

    So sorry if I've missed anyone. Forgive me; the storm has put me a little out of touch, because for a few days I could only use my phone (too cold to sit at my computer).