Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • Heather: Rest and be well! You too Harelady!
  • Oh dear - so much illness about. Take care of yourselves, Heather & Harelady.

    I just heard from my late Friend Gs OH who has tested positive over Christmas whilst staying in the South, at his daughters house.

    We got home again this afternoon after enjoying our stay at our Eldests: they are all well and hopefully we haven't got any infections from each other! We had a bad journey back, as we got into a horrendous queue due to there having been an accident. We stopped later for a nice sandwich, but then got into another queue in the Midlands which delayed us again. Home tired now.
  • HEATHER & HARELADY – I hope you are feeling better soon. {{{HUGS}}}

    I wonder how OG is. I don’t recall anything from her for days.

    Dau#2 & appendages visited yesterday for lunch and gift swopping. My last minute tiny soft toy was a success together with books & jigsaw each. Dau showed Trio how to play CLUEDO (her suggestion as a joint present). S-i-l brought his “toy” and volunteered to prune long overdue bushes along back fence. I was tired and rather glad when they left about 3 pm. I must be getting old.

  • Scenes from our lunch. Miss11 must be in a growing spurt; she ate as much as the rest of us together and still more! I’m not complaining that my food was eaten. From the salad selection MissJ took 2 cherry tomatoes, speared them both on her fork “stabbed through their navels” and ate them, before reaching for another pair and another. . . Later in meal we played that game where the next person has to name an animal with first letter same as previous last. Eg snake elephant turtle emu unicorn numbat tortoise “not another “e’”. MissL delighted in giving me the same letter as I’d had previous round. When the game degenerated into “tropical this” or “desert that’, we adjourned to unwrap presents.

  • Sounds like a lovely family time, AQ, I know what you mean about being tired afterwards, though. I fell into bed completely whacked every night on our visit. Their spare bed is not the most comfortable, but I slept solidly.

    Beginning to get worried about poor OG, now. Does this mean that they have all gone down with the flu?

    Hope that all who are poorly soon recover
  • Annette, Amber has had darkish hair for a long while. It's little Rosie who is fair.

    She had been given one of those gadgets which let's you play games on the TV -- they loaded up the Sport version and we all played a Mario racing game which I found completely manic, as its hard enough trying to stay on the race track without other racers also throwing things at you, and objects appearing in your path without warning! Needless to say, I came last every time! She also challenged her grandad to a golf game, which of course he won every time even though he struggled with the controls. I most enjoyed the 9 pin bowling, and managed a few 'strikes' . I declined both the golf and the tennis - the tennis was very energetic!
  • Rusty - Sorry you missed the waxwings I've never seen one, but would love to. Apparently they were seen here a few years ago when they stripped the berries in one of our neighbours gardens. Now I'm waiting to see if they ever return!

    It's windy, gusty and wild here today. Don't think I'll go out!
  • AQ - that sounds like a lovely time with the family. It’s good to be able to play games all together.
    Lindy - that gaming device sounds like fun. Again, the fact that you can all play it together is good.
    My friend hasn’t seen the waxwings again. As you say, they will have moved on.
    I commented the other day that I was thinking about OG and family and hoping things were improving. I also hope other people who are unwell are feeling better.
    I got my bit of shopping done yesterday. Town and the supermarket were very quiet. I met quite a lot of people to talk to at the coffee morning.
    It is windy here too, something has blown into my garden. It’s a white square. I think it is just cardboard. I need to go and investigate!!!