Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • We had a Zoom type call from Eldest, which showed Amber as usual over excited, and unsure of which present to open up and play with first. Children get so many gifts these days (sez I, who has bought her more than one!). Our Youngest rang during this, to say that he and both of our grandsons all have some nasty virus, so they have stayed at home instead of going to their in laws. Seems doubtful of whether we shall see them for some time : we are going to our Eldests on Tuesday and the arrangement was that we should all meet up together on Wednesday. Ho hum.

    Our Christmas lunch went well, and was delicious, although at one point I did regret trying to have so many different veg and sauces! The kitchen was a like a battle zone, and my OH and I were in each other's way for much of the time. I served a very small smoked salmon starter and we didn't have any pud, but I made sure that there was a big plateful of shortbread, Christmas stollen etc. for everyone to pick at afterwards when we sat to watch the Kings Speech.

  • Phew! Well that's it for another year.

    Horrible Christmas for folks in Buffalo and that area. Hope Diane and bjane are okay.
  • Thank you for all the Christmas greetings and good wishes.

    SUNNYKATE – I hope you recover quickly.

    LINDA – The secret of having different dishes for different people is to choose some recipes that can be made a day earlier and can be reheated. It was the only way I coped with the numbers (16 at my last catering for our family χmas in 2018). At my first attempt it was easier, there were 9 with m-i-l baking the turkey.

    As we in South Aussieland prepare for what the weather people are calling a “mini heatwave” and I see the dreadful bomb-cyclone scenes on our news, I wish the world was a more balanced. Take care and stay warm.

    Dau#1, s-i-l, g-dau & friend visited us this morn on their way to lunch at his parents’.

  • Christmas dinner was very good, thanks to three daughters and youngest SIL.
    It is probably too much to expect that there wouldn't be any disagreements in a family - in this case Amy, Katie and Mia went into the sitting room to watch TV for a while. Isla went through there as well. She's 13. Her Mum went in and objected to the older ones watching something that she thought was unsuitable for a 13 year old. It did result in an atmosphere which we could have done without. We should have just played Monopoly !
  • Oh dear, HEATHER, what a pity to spoil your day. I would be surprised if these days a 13-year-old did not know a lot more than her mother wishes.
  • Heather - as a family we all watched The Smoos and the Smeds with two 4 year olds and a 6 year old. What a lovely short film with such a good moral about getting on together. The kids knew the book too. Yes. A happy family time. I came home with some goodies from the buffet which my sister was putting out for later for those who were staying.
    Lindy - at the present opening the kids did the same as yours on the zoom call. Just opened one after the other. I know that one of my nieces puts many of the presents away and brings them out during the year which is an excellent idea to my mind.
    I have been thinking about Diane and bjane too and hoping they have survived Christmas weatherwise. It looks terrible on the TV.
    Annette - my parcel to my friends in Arizona was delivered to them on Christmas Day. They were amazed. It that normal? Suffice it to say, that due to the strikes here, my parcel from them which they posted 2 weeks before they left Canada hasn’t yet arrived.
    AQ - I hope you survive the hot weather.
    Best wishes to those who are under the weather. I hope you soon recover.
    A friend and I are going for a shortish walk by the Dee Estuary later. Some birdwatching may be involved!!! We are taking a picnic! Oh yes. We are a hardy bunch here in North Wales.
  • RUSTY - "Some birdwatching may be involved." Really??? You surprise me LOL. OH already has the air con on despite the horrendous cost of electricity. Only another 2 months of summer <sigh>
  • RUSTY - Have a great day out! You are indeed hardy. It's quite cold here this morning, must have been a wee bit below freezing. Cars and road white.
  • Never had such a horrid, beastly, s*****, c***** Christmas Day! Started Boxing Day now - hope it may turn out better!

    Hope everyone is doing better than I am!