Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 December 2022


I wish all those who celebrate a joyful and meaningful Christmas. Love to everyone and your families.

It was so nice to see LIMPY and ALAN on last week's thread. Best wishes to both of you.

  • Just a thought

    My dilemma is 25% of me wants to be slim and trim, but the other 75% of me wants pasta, cheesecake and unlimited glasses of wine.

    Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. (Mark Twain)

    Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie. (Jim Davis)

  • LOL, AQ!!

    Rusty, you do take some interesting walks.

    Dibnib: I'm glad you had a nice break in a hotel, what a lovely treat!

    OG -- I do hope that you haven't all been poorly - what a dampener on festivities. Thinking of you.
  • Good Morning. This was the sunrise here yesterday. We're dashing off soon to visit our Eldest: sadly, our Youngest and family will not be able to join us tomorrow as they're still suffering with the cold virus. Also, we are unable to visit my cousin who lives not far from our Eldest, as she has succumbed to coronovirus after shielding herself for many many months (she went to an event in her village and thinks she caught it there).

  • Lindy - safe travels. Such a shame that you won’t be able to see all the people you would have liked to.
    I am going to have a quiet day at home today. A friend bought be 2 nice light books for Christmas so I will settle down and read. What a pleasant prospect.
  • RUSTY Thank you, we had a lovely Christmas at Pine Trees. This was our 4th Christmas there and we have booked again for next year. There are always familiar faces who do the same. We also have short breaks there during the year.
  • We have arrived after a journey of some queues in traffic. Both quite weary when we reached here. I suppose that a lot of people are now heading home after visiting friends& family. 

    This is Amber, who loved her present of a chess set, and immediately challenged her grandpa to a game - she has been learning to play at school. After Grandad pointed out a couple of bad moves, and gave advice, she beat him twice!!

  • LINDA – Poor Grandad. He will have to up his game!

    The cool change arrived overnight, now 18 C, all windows and doors opened to air the house. Then the smoke alarm took exception to something in the breeze and it has “alarmed” twice causing a quick check around the rooms. Nothing. Dau#2 & Co are visiting tomorrow. I am off this morn for fresh fruit & veg.

  • AQ - I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather. When my smoke alarm kept going off for no apparent reason, I had just had the decorator and dust had got in the filter. I put the soft brush fitment on the hoover and, because it is on a snake like extending thing, I could hoover over the filter gaps on the alarm and, hey presto, it stopped going off. I have had my 2 for nearly 10 years now and it seems they will them need replacing. I will ring the fire brigade when the time comes. They do it fo free. Last time a very nice young fireman came!!!!!!!
    Lindy - I am glad the chess set was a success.
    I enjoyed my lazy day yesterday. I did a lot of reading and feel tempted to do the same today.
  • LINDY Glad Amber is enjoying her chess and getting the better of Grandad. I can't think how old Amber is now but my dear friends 8 year old Grandson is also getting the better of his Grandad.
  • I hope you're having another relaxing day, RUSTY.
    I've not been feeling well - just heard that eldest SIL has tested positive for covid. We will see.
    Regards to all