Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • Good Morning. Thanks for all the interesting posts. {{HUGS}} to bjane. Eyes are so important, yet we often take our sight for granted.

    It's mild here and we're just hearing on the TV weather that it will be mild for the next few days, with some showers. At least it might not be a White Christmas, which is not actually very practicable in terms of people travelling etc.
  • We don't mind people not liking sprouts - they are a love/hate thing after all. But the big bowl of them I will be offering will be our own sprouts from the allotment, plus our own potatoes.

    Yesterday we went to visit my OHs cousin and wife - they had two of their young grandchildren there at the time, which was entertaining. Cousins wife has a terrible bad chest, as she's had the Other Virus which has been going around - if I don't go down with something over Christmas it will be a Christmas miracle! LOL!!

    Today my OH goes for his round of golf, so I'll be getting our tree decorated, finally-- it's been standing there with only lights on it since Friday. Ho hum - all will get done, in the end.
  • More beach art - from a Christmas theme.

  • Ha ha Lindy, snap!! I haven’t put my tree up yet either!!! However, mine is just a small artificial one. Each year I put it in the loft in a bin bag fully decorated and each year, I pull it out, put it up and switch it on!!! Today is the day actually because a friend is coming here for a cuppa and a mince pie tomorrow so it must be up by then. How lovely to have home grown sprouts and potatoes for your Christmas lunch. I love the beach art.
    Thinking of those of you across the pond who are in the path of horrid weather. Keep safe and warm
    Dibnlib - how do these people manage to string things out for so long? This court case should have been over and done with ages ago. It must have some effect on your friend. I bet she just wants it finished.
    OG - that’s good news re J and his job for next term. I hope it happens. It probably depends on the school’s budget sadly. Nice that he could go to the carol concert. Hope your Christmas preparations are going well.
    I am staying at home today!!!!!!!!!!! Hence why the tree is going up. I also have some cooking and freezing to do. It will be nice to have a quiet lazy time after all the recent excitement.
  • LINDA - Lovely to see an actual Christmas theme. Thank you.

    I bought mince pies, now labelled "festive tarts". Some health person wants Santa/FC to lose weight as his plumpness is a bad image. <sigh> I wish the pc people would go away.

  • Thanks everyone for your news -
    I seem to be in a complete tizzy regarding Christmas food. There will be eleven of us on 25th and 26 th. For the first time, I have got various offspring doing all food shopping, prepping and cooking. We are not turkey lovers - so having roast sirloin of beef on the 25th.. Some like sprouts, some don't. It seems that we will be having a huge variety of vegetables. I can only hope that I have organised things in a proper manner ( I have written the shopping lists). We have always worked together in the kitchen but this year I have been instructed to hand over control. I knew that there was a good reason for having four children :-)

  • HEATHER Handing over control sounds a perfect idea to me. Hope you have a lovely time

    Merry Christmas to everyone.
  • HEATHER - I hope handing over control lasts until after washing-up. I was always pleased both s-i-l took over the kitchen sink, leaving me to put away rarely used dishes.

    A pleasant 25 C today while I continue my spread-out preparations. (Lots of rests between tasks.)

    The big ol' storm is beginning to roll through here, so I wanted to wish you all happy holidays before my power goes out. LOL! 

    You are all dear to me, and I treasure your friendship. I hope each one of you has the best New Year ever!