Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • OG;  I have a hard time with Camembert too.  Hope prepared meal is yummy.  Must confess I have bought some prepared dishes to heat up.   Frankly, I'm not even crazy about turkey.  

    Rusty:   The zoo outing sounds like fun.  Apparently our local zoo has done a fab job with holiday lighting this year, but doubt I'll have time to go there.

    bjane:  Thank YOU for the card.  How's the weather?

    Alan:  Always nice to see you - thank you and the best to you and yours!

  • Thanks to everyone for Christmas cards and festive wishes.
    I hope that you all have the day that you would like. Happy Christmas to you all.
    OG - that camembert must have been very ripe indeed ! There is a cheese from Denmark that I quite fancied but was informed that it is very smelly and makes its presence felt all over the house.
  • Hi all. Christmas Eve and we are going over to a local village to pick up fish and chips and mushy peas before all the fancy food tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday when we will be out for meals.

    Diane - do hope you are not hit by this latest storm which they say is one in a lifetime one - cyclone bomb of snow. Stay safe and warm. Happy Christmas to you.

    Have a good day , all, tomorrow.
  • Hello. I just wrote a long list about our lunch out but whatever I do, it won't actually post on my mobile phone.

    LOL about the camembert, OG! I hope you enjoy all your festive feasts!

  • As I'm now on my tablet, I'll try to finish my post here.

    We had our treat in an Italian restaurant in the town. We missed on the starters, as we needed room for pud! Sue and I both had Spaghetti Carbonara, with extra chicken added. My OH had roast lamb in a red wine sauce with mustard mash. Plenty to keep us chewing whilst we discussed our family members. Then we had a good pudding -- Sue had tiramisu, and I had a trio of beautiful Italian ice creams. My OH enjoyed a thing called Grandmas Cake, which turned out to be a kind of tart thing, with a beautiful and light almond filling. Most delicious! (I had a small taste). With attentive staff, Christmassy music playing, and dainty delicate silver trees glistening all around, it was a nice experience.

  • Lindy - that sounds like a really lovely meal out
    OG - I like Camembert but yours sounds to have been extremely ripe!!!!
    May I wish everyone a really Happy Christmas Day wherever in this world you are. I won’t be signing in in the morning as I have to set off early to be at my sisters in time for church at 10.