Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • Super pictures, Rusty! I love the Carols from Kings, too - starts Christmas off nicely! I love all choirs & choral singing.

    Thank you for your condolences. He had not been ill although had a couple of medical conditions. He just collapsed in the kitchen and never regained consciousness. He had been suffering with covid which had made him cough, so they had thought nothing of it. My OHs sister also had it/still has it, which she has now today informed us of, after we both hugged her yesterday! <sigh>

    My husband is slightly in shock, as he had been to school with his to be brother-in-law, which meant they had known each other for over 70 years! His sister had been married for 50 years last year.

  • Another lovely offering from the beach artists.

  • P-22 led off the front page of the LA Times this morning and the California section.  Poor old thing had so many  issues he wouldn't have done well even in a sanctuary.

    Lindybird:   Any chance Covid may have complicated OH's BiL existing ailments.  Hope the sister is past the contagious stage.  Sigh indeed.    Where did you take Robin at the Beach photo?

    Rusty  Lovely pix.  

    I'm watching the World Cup Final.  Argentina doing a great job so far with France unable to assert themselves.

  • Diane- I loved Project Hail Mary! I hope you do too. I was surprised to see that I had actually read, or listened to, all the books listed on the National Top Ten Best Sellers list in today's newspaper.

  • Bjane: Good to hear that you loved the novel. I fell asleep last night before I read very much, but I like it so far. I usually enjoy science fiction. Congrats to you for reading all the bestsellers! You must have a good library nearby. There's a library in my small town, but I'm usually not fond of the books they put on the shelves. Ghastly politics, values, and worldview. Stay warm bjane.
  • RUSTY – Thank you for the photos. I cannot look at the frosty leaves too long, or they may melt <grin> – it is 33 C here so far today. Guess who forgot to cover her tomatoes with old sheets this morn.

    LINDA – What a pity your sis-i-l did not mention her covid sooner. You don’t want to catch it at this time of year (or any time).

    Our covid numbers have been rising steadily week by week. Not surprising with football finals, car race through city streets, end of school year parties, not to mention χmas parties. We were supposed to have reached a covid peak early December. Alas, not so. As the numbers continued to rise, the authorities declared it was a “flat peak”. If still increasing, it is not flat. I don’t remember such a thing from my Maths days!

    To ANYONE unwell and/or with assorted problems – {{{HUGS}}}

  • Good Morning. Oh, joy! All the snow has melted overnight, here. Much warmer, as predicted. Now we have the rain and wind instead, LOL!

    AQ - Sue is rather peeved with her sister, to say the least, as she also gave her several big hugs and went into the house for several minutes. She has been avoiding all chance of covid as she in her turn had been hugging her own daughter-in-law, who is visiting her poorly mother daily in hospital and now in a care home.

  • Good morning. Yes, it is raining here too.
    Lindy - that’s rather annoying re the possible spread of covid. I hope it doesn’t happen. It’s an emotional time for everyone and perhaps covid was just forgotten.
    I am going to a friend’s house for a buffet lunch with a couple of other friends. I would like to walk but it depends on how heavy the rain is when it is time to set off. I have Christmas presents to carry. This evening I am going to a concert of Christmas music. So a pleasant day in store. I feel lucky to have such good friends.
  • RUSTY - great photos, thank you ! I'm so happy that you had a lovely holiday.
    LINDY - Sad news,for the family. As RUSTY says, his wife was probably in shock at the unexpected death and Covid would be the last thing on her mind.
  • Only managed a quick read through, but I see several families sharing sad/bad news! Thinking of you.

    Garage flooded Saturday - thought it hadn't got below zero but obviously it had. Not a burst pipe as such - gave way at a joint. We have isolated it completely from the house supply - no collateral damage. Plumber expected wednesday for the other job, so have requested this reconnection at the same time - OH could do it, but access is not easy so prefer not to have him stuck under the sink.

    OH went to our carol service Sunday - it was rather long so glad I stayed at home. J also went to his.

    Cleaners due today as usual. Just wrapped the last samll gift for J - main one was help with his new laptop. Hoping to find opportunity to make final batch of mince pies and some shortbread this week - but the latter may not be till just before Ne'ers Day!