Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2022


I had plans to post a lovely holiday card tonight, but I have failed to create one today. Lol It's cold and it's snowing, and I'm going to bed, cover up, and read a new novel that my friend in Indianapolis loaned me.

I do hope everyone has a joyful week. (I'll post the card later.) LoL!

  • DIANE – Thank you for a new week. We are expecting 31 C today - please take some! I brought home 6 library books last Monday and this morn returned 5 to After-Hours Return Shute; 2 were unreadable rubbish.

    RUSTY – Welcome home. I have enjoyed your photos. More please. (Yes, I know I’m greedy.)

    OG – I’d like you to have some of our next few days’ weather. I hope you can meet your appointments.

    HARELADY – That is simply horrible, not being able to get antibiotics script. And on top of that drama, to catch covid. I hope all recover quickly. I am very jealous of you listening to Carols from Kings. It has been many years since the TV showed it DownUnder.

    ANNETTE – News today here of the Los Angeles mountain lion put down because of “severe health problems”. Poor animal had a sad end, likely hit by a vehicle..

  • AQ: Oh, please send heat! We have merciless Arctic cold settling in next Thursday night. Just in time for Christmas.

    I'm just beginning to read, "Project Hail Mary." It's a much lauded New York Times bestseller by Andy Weir. It's science fiction. He's the author of "The Martian," which was made into a big movie here. This novel is 500 pages, so it will have to be good for me to stick with it that long. Sorry yours were a disappointment.
  • AQ/Annette: I also saw the news about P-22, the L.A. mountain lion. So very sad that he suffered so much.

    Harelady: That's so distressing about the antibiotic being unavailable, and also the covid. I wish your family healing. Take care of yourself.
  • Diane:  Yes, there was some discussion about P-22, but he was apparently beyond the point of being relocated/helped.  A real shame; he was famous in SoCal...  The weather guy showed the path of the storm - I always watch your area.   I picked up a mystery book by Jussi Adler-Olsen (Danish writer) called The Shadow Murders and Putin, by Philip Short; not sure if it's as readable as The Rise and Reign of Vladimir Putin - we'll see.  And, of course, thank you for starting us off again.

  • Good Morning. Its 1 degree here, but feels colder as the wind has got up - its bringing the warmer weather with it for tomorrow, but at present is just rushing over the icy fields. Please send heat here, too AQ! (Sorry about the books)

    Diane, thank you for starting us off. I hope you can keep warm, too.
  • What a great shame about the mountain lion.
  • Good morning, it’s really dull here today and we have had a bit of sleet. I know it is a bit warmer but I think I prefer the sparkly days we had last week!!!
    Yes. Sad about the mountain lion. It seems it was the best thing to do given its condition.
    Lindy - condolences to you and your OH. Had your brother in law been ill or was this a sudden collapse? Either way, not nice news to get. I hope your OH doesn’t have painful bruising after his fall.
    OG - I think it is going to get milder this week so, with any luck, you should be able to get to your hearing appointment.
    Harelady - I had read about the shortage of antibiotics but I didn’t realise the situation was so bad. I hope they are now working and that your granddaughter is getting better. I listen to the 9 lessons and carols from Kings every year on Christmas Eve too. It is my tradition. I do hope you can get on a birdwatching holiday. I can highly recommend Birdwatching Trips with the Biggest Twitch. The couple based in Llandudno who I go with. They are excellent in my opinion. Cake features a lot too!!!!
    Diane - brrr. I don’t fancy your Arctic cold. We had minus 6 in Snowdonia!! Amazingly, it was plus 6 on Anglesey on the same day just an hour later!!!!
    AQ - I am going to send a few photos for you. Some of them look very cold,! Will that help?
  • This frosted leaf was in a churchyard in the Conwy Valley

    This lighthouse is the famous South Stack on Anglesey 

  • Sunrise from our hotel car park

    From Aber Ogwen Nature reserve near Bangor