Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 December 2022


I hope everyone has a healthy, joyful week. Next week will be the Winter Solstice already!

I now have several species of birds coming to the outside of my enclosed porch. The red male cardinal tries to chase them off, but there are too many. They're eating the seeds on my "weed tree", various vegetation, and the poor wasps hibernating in their nest.

  • Diane: Thank you! I just read something about birds eating hibernating wasps. It's a brutal world out there.

    I see it's got cold and snowy in the UK. Stay warm everyone (and avoid Morrisons!). :-)

    Kids arrived after a grueling drive: First was a series of major holdups on one of the (usually) quieter roads when a convoy of trucks hauling huge generators to a new Intel campus in Phoenix caused oncoming traffic to be held at multiple laybys multiple times while it trundled oh-so-slowly past. Two hours behind schedule and two hours later they were diverted off the freeway (surprise! nighttime ramp maintenance work!) for a detour that took them on a not-so-scenic tour through an industrial area to a distant ramp that was finally - gasp - open!. Further on, the entire freeway was closed for about an hour (surprise! nighttime overpass maintenance!). They arrived four hours later than usual and promptly fell into bed before spending the day with daughter. Meanwhile, I spent it lolling and watching the World Cup (too bad we lost - it was a good match though) and reading.

    Family stuff calls.....
  • DIANE - Thank you for starting us. Our birds were missing yesterday; “hibernating” in the heat. It was only 35 C – that’s not too bad indoors as the nights are still cool and the humidity was low. Today it is 20 C and we even had a few drops of rain.
  • AQ: 35 C is very hot, but more bearable with low humidity. We usually have high heat and high humidity during summer, but temps aren't as brutal as yours. This year was mild, though. Weird. Even had several Red Flag warnings for fire. Rare for us. Our crop fields can be1000 acres or much more, and some fields burned this year in my community because they were so dry. Maybe you will get a weirdly cooler and rainier summer. Hope so.
  • ANNETTE: That sounds like a thoroughly miserable journey. I hate to drive on a good day!
  • Unknown said:
    Next week will be the Winter Solstice

    Yeah!  Actually, in recent years I find myself looking forward to that far more than Christmas Day.  It's wonderful knowing that our hours of daylight will start to increase after the solstice, while all I associate Christmas with is months of pointless tat in the shops, as well as a deluge of food I either don't like or like far too much!

    Bah, humbug.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off. Your birds must be hungry if they are eating wasps - hibernating or not.
    Annette - what a horrendous journey your family had. They did well to persevere. I think I would have given up and got a motel somewhere.
    AQ - I hope it doesn’t get too hot for you. Not chance of that here!!!! Still no snow here in my part of North Wales. I hope it stays like that as I am going on a special holiday not too far away for the next 5 days.
    I don’t think I will have time to post but I will tell everyone about it when I get back. I need to take my mind off things anyway as my appointment to get the results of my first follow up mammogram got cancelled. I have a new appointment for early January!!!
  • Good Morning, All. Still snowy here as its not melted, but thankfully no new stuff fell overnight. Bonnie just loves it, and runs out to rub her nose in the drifts!! Then she rolls over in it like a young colt!

    Diane: Thank you, you're a star for starting us off every week.

    Rusty: Have an enjoyable break. I hope it takes your mind off the worry . Try and relax - every day is a new day! I look forward to hearing all about it later.

    Annette: That's one grim journey - one you hope not to take. Hope they can all have an enjoyable visit now they're here.

    AQ: Argh! So hot!! (Poor wildlife!)

    Going to potter around today but also have a bit of a rest. We stayed up late last night after watching the football, and got up late today.

  • (Clare, I hate the way it's got so commercial now, it's just one long eatathon, and there certainly is a lot of rubbish out there in the shops!)

    Hope you and Limpy are keeping well, and Helen enjoying her job.
  • Morning all:  Everyone due here shortly for big family breakfast before the kids load up and head back to AZ.   They are girding their loins. Agree that Xmas has devolved into depressing commercial/media event, but I've been trying to focus on the 'real' meaning over the last few years.

    DIane: My UK family is always relieved to see December 21, although Jan/Feb in UK can be pretty bleak.  I love the darker evenings myself - but they're shorter here than farther north...

    AQ;  Ugh.  Total sympathy for those temps.  After forecasting a dry winter here, we've had constant rain the last two weekends and more scheduled for next weekend.  Do hope it continues well into the New Year.

    Rusty:  Oooh - a special holiday not too far away?  I'm excited!  :-)   Can't imagine they would've canceled your appt if there had been something urgent to report.  Take care and have fun.

    Must sort out stuff etc. for breakfast - nothing like people needing something you forgot once you've all sat down....

  • CLARE: I agree with your post. I celebrate the Winter Solstice as my holiday. I try to honor nature and engage in some quiet meditation on the day. I'm not spending Chrstmas with family this year, so I'm happily avoiding that holiday, although I wish everyone on this forum joy and peace.

    I, too, will be glad for the return of the light. It's dark here by 5:15 p.m. So if I need groceries, I have to make sure I leave early. Not much lighting in my nearby small town.